Design of the Front end board is almost finished. The PCB design has started with the block element. Analog part of the design was checked by our Barcelona colleagues and bugs were fixed. ( Icecal pinout – Icecal to Adc link) All schemas will be available soon on wiki or Calorimeter group web page. Some “ details “has to be clarified Power supplies on the backplane has to be define together with Youri for the LED calibration board May we keep the + 5V or the – 5V or nor of them and use the power supply available to face the over power consumption Power distribution schema has to be carefully checked. Strategy in case of failure : over current on one part of the board … Test of a modified power supply has to be done ( see with V Bobillier ) Is current limit fixed by both Feast or Max 869 is well adapted to protect the board in case of over current. New power consumption should be compatible with the actual set of power supplies and cooling ( 2 * 50 A +5 ; 100 A +3,3V ; 50 A -5v; 50 A +5v) 50 W for the previous board, 70 W roughly estimated for the new version. June 26,
FormatDAQ LLT Bxid Bandwidth / Link Max Link number Assumptio n (link/Tell40 ) Fibre ,16E+0091,92E Fibre ,16E+0091,92E Fibre ,16E+0091,92E Fibre ,16E+0091,92E To reduce The costs The occupancy on the board The consumption It was agreed agreed have 4 fibres on each FEB Each fibre is operated in wide bus mode The corresponding bandwidth reduction leads to A splitting of the LLT data on 4 fibres Sending only 8 bits of the BX-id out of the 12 bits Each TELL40 can absorb ~80% (margin) of 100Gbit/s This leads to a maximum of 20 fibres / TELL 40 with the present constraints