Crude Oil- petroleum as it comes out of the ground before it has been refined or processed Nonrenewable resource- a resource that cannot be replaced Oil reserves- oil that has been discovered but remains unused in the ground Renewable resource- a resource that can’t be used up or can be replaced.
Oil began as plants and animals that lived and died in the oceans The water, earth’s core and chemical changes transformed these creatures into oil and natural gas Oil and natural gas seeped into tiny holes in the earth
Most of the world’s oil lies buried under S.W. Asia This area used to be under water Also, tectonic plates collided to form pockets were oil can be trapped Oil companies have drill to get oil Crude oil needs to be refined or processed to make useful products
Oil exists in some places and not others Saudi Arabia has the most oil Kuwait has 1/10 of the world’s oil
Oil money has improved the life of many people Life expectancy has increased, infant mortality has decreased The GDP (country’s wealth) and Per capita (people’s wealth) are higher
A high per capita GDP does not mean everyone is rich. It is an average. Some people may be rich, others can still be poor The Human Development Index (HDI) measures general quality of life (education, life expectancy)
There is still poverty in SW Asia Some countries have made a lot of money off of oil, but does not use it to improve the quality of life for the people They may spend money on weapons, building armies and fighting wars
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) controls the supply of oil OPEC wants to keep prices steady OPEC does not control all of the world’s oil Some OPEC countries refuse to follow OPEC decisions on how much oil to sell
The US and Japan take a great interest in the flow of oil Saddam Hussein (dictator of Iraq) tried to take over Kuwait to control the oil fields The US and other countries went to war to stop this (Persian Gulf War)
The world mainly relies on nonrenewable resources These will run out one day Getting energy from renewable resources has cost more than burning oil or gas Sunlight and wind may become key resources