Unit 1 Lesson 2 Section 33.4 GHW Bush & Iraq
Objectives Identify GHW Bush’s foreign policy successes. Explain why GHW Bush had to break his “No New Taxes” pledge. Analyze how our actions in Iraq in 1991 set the stage for war again in 2001.
Warm Up Identify Reagan’s successes and failures as President. SUCCESSESFAILURES Cut taxesGrowing Income Gap Decreased size & role of fed govtDeregulation led to strike & scandal (S&L) New Federalism bankrupted states/cities Economy recovered & stocks soaredAgriculture & Manufacturing hurt Deficit & Debt grew Defeated communism in L.AmericaTroops attacked in MidEast INF Treaty w/Soviet UnionStar Wars (SDI) Iran-Contra Affair Political gains for African-AmericansWomen’s ERA defeated, AIDS
Review Lesson 1 Goals of New Right? Govt out of economy Restore values End govt social welfare programs Tactics of New Right? Televangelism Voter Registration Why Reagan Victory? Carter Ineffective Iran Hostage Crisis Economic Recession 3 Parts of Reaganomics? Tax Cuts Deregulation New Federalism Plan to Defeat “Evil Empire”? Increase size of forces Increase defense spending Increase arsenal Support “freedom fighters” Relations with USSR at end? “Friendly” with Gorbachev (glasnot & perestroika) INF Treaty
1988 Election: George H. W. Bush Democrats Still Control Congress
Foreign Policy Successes “Iron Curtain” falls 1989 Polish Solidarity Mvmt Czech’s Velvet Revolution Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria Fall Berlin Wall 11/9/89 Reunification 1990 Dissolution of the USSR Gorby resigns (12/91) Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Boris Yeltsin - Russian Pres Arms reduction talks START US sole superpower!
Tiananmen Square (89) Communist China Students protest in Beijing Democratic reform Army injures or kills 1000s. Bush quiet on issue
Persian Gulf War (90-91) Aug – Iraq Invades Kuwait Claim territory Needed oil $ to pay debts on war w/Iran US Concerns Oil reserves ($ in US) Security Saudi Arabia (ally) Pursuit WMD
Persian Gulf War (90-91) Operation Desert ShieldOperation Desert Storm Aug 8 - US troops to Saudi Arabia Nov 29 – UN Resolution Colin Powell Air Strikes Jan ‘91 Norman Schwarzkopf Ground Offensive Feb ‘91 6 Week UN/US Victory Saddam Hussein left in power Burn oil reserves = high $$$
Operation Iraqi Freedom (03) Post Desert Storm Expel UN weapons inspectors Brutal Oppression Post 9/11 “Axis of Evil” WMD UN (Hans Blix) returns 2002 Report: No WMD Bush asks UN to use force US & 30 nation coalition (Oct 02) March 19, 2003 –1 st Strike April 9 – Baghdad falls May 1 – Bush “Mission Accomplished” speech Dec 13 – Saddam captured Tried & Executed 2006
Post War Iraq (03-10) US Troops Rebuild infrastructure & organizations Withdraw Aug New Constitution President Jalal Talabani PM Nuri al-Maliki Council of Representatives Iraq Today Unstable Govt Continued violence
~ Cost of Iraq War (03-10) 4,408 US dead 31, 921 US wounded 26K Iraqi fighters killed 125 K Iraqi civilians killed $806 Billion
Bush’s Downfall Clarence Thomas Confirmations Broke “No New Tax” Pledge to help reduce growing budget deficit. 1990s Recession High gas prices (Gulf War) End Cold War military industries – layoffs/downsizing Cut social spending, raised taxes Lost re-election 1992 Conservative base fell apart
Closure How did 1991 Persian Gulf War set us up to return to war with Iraq in 2003?