Question Catch The teacher throws a bean bag when asking questions. This makes questioning a kinaesthetic activity and can engage pupils who don’t normally volunteer to answer. You can give the pupil the option of throwing the ball to someone else if they don’t know the answer. It can also be played in teams. The teacher throws the bean bag to each team in turn. If the person who catches it can answer the question, they score 3 points for their team. If they can’t, they throw it to another team to score 2 points, if they can’t it is thrown again for 1 point.
Think, Pair, Share Pupils write down as many answers or ideas they can think of on their own (Think). They then pool their ideas with a partner (Pair), and finally the teacher opens up the discussion for contributions from the class as a whole (Share).
1. Divide into pairs. 2. Write three statements, one of which is false. 3. Give your 2 true and 1 false statement to another pair. 4. Second pair reads and discusses the statements, guessing which statement is false.
Which is the odd one out? Why? Use this sentence in your answer: B oth... and... are...., whereas.... is..... A B C
Memory Game You have been divided into groups. You will need to think about the following: ·What strategies are you using for remembering the diagram and the text? ·How are you organising yourselves to work effectively? ·What are you finding easiest or most difficult about the task? When I say "Go!", one person from your group must come up to my table and try and memorise as much as they can of the map/diagram/chart/packaging/storyboard/painting/graph/sequence ( delete not applicable) b efore going back to the group to record the information. Rules: 1. Only one person from each group out of their seats at any time. 2. You may not write down anything when you are at the table. 3. You may not shout information to your group when you are at the table.
Traffic Lights Use traffic lights as a visual means of showing understanding. e.g. ·Students have red, amber and green cards which they show on their desks or in the air. (red = don’t understand, green = totally get it etc.) ·Students self-assess using traffic lights. The teacher could then record these visually in their mark book. ·Peer assess presentations etc. with traffic lights
Alphabet Line We need 5 volunteers for our starter / plenary! Using consecutive letters of the alphabet they need to come out to the front & take it in turns to shout out key words linked to our topic __________________ It 's very easy - if we were doing the Middle Ages, you could start with A - Arrow B - Battle C - Conqueror Alphabet Line
Ten Questions! Your teacher will select one student and put a post-it note with a keyword on their forehead - they have ten questions to ask the class to which they can only reply YES or NO!
Speed Dating! Sit with a partner - one of you must sit facing the whiteboard and the other facing the opposite way The first person has only 30 seconds to describe the key word(s) featured below before moving onto their next partner - your teacher will keep writing down the keyword to be explained Your keyword is:
You have one minute to explain each of the following key words from today's lesson, without using the word itself: USE SCREEN SHADE OVER KEY WORDS NOT DONE YET USE THIS SLIDE WHEN YOU ARE DOING THE PLENARY AS A WHOLE CLASS