The Fundamental Laws of Geology Several principles or “laws” are fundamental to the geologic interpretation of a sequence of events
Rock Cycle Review
Uniformitarianism “The past is the key to the present” Basically states that geological processes and natural laws that occur today have been occurring throughout time in the same manner and with the same intensity Ex. Depositional and environmental conditions affecting bivalves (clams) today likely affected bivalves during the Cretaceous (80 MYA)
Original Horizontality Most sedimentary rocks are formed by particles that settle to the bottom of rivers, lakes and oceans under the influence of gravity, and form essentially in horizontal layers. Therefore, if sedimentary rocks are found in an inclined or folded attitude, they must have undergone movement after deposition
Superposition Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation of numerous layers In any undisturbed sequence of layers, the oldest should therefore be on the bottom and the youngest or last- deposited layer would be on the top This is assuming that the layers have not been overturned or inverted by folding or faulting
Lateral Continuity Most thick layers of sediment were originally deposited over geographically extensive areas Subsequently, they are covered with overlying layers and lithified into sedimentary rocks Uplift, erosion, faulting and folding have n many cases disturbed the original lateral continuity Ex. Grand Canyon – even though the layers have been eroded, the rock formations found on the north rim can still be found on the south rim
Crosscutting Relations Crosscutting Relations Any rock unit or fault that cuts across other rock units is younger than the rock units through which it cuts This applies to faults that cut rock layers or igneous intusions that cut through rock layers
Components The components of a layer of sedimentary rock are older than the date of the deposition of that rock layer Since sedimentary rocks are made of weathered older rocks, the components of a sedimentary rock must be older than the rock itself
Fossil Succession Each layer in a succession of rock strata can be identified by the distinctive fossils it contains Therefore, plant and animal fossils succeed one another in a recognizable order through the geologic record