Fermilab Education Office Homepage Updated in 2014 We want to appeal to our main audiences providing them with pathways to get the information they need. We use images to appeal. Educators Physicists Students Visitors Undergraduates We spent a lot of time thinking about what the audiences might want. We use twitter for fresh information. Already needs update—missing: Responsive Web Design
Educators Page
Student’s Page
Best Practices: What People Want in a Website Good navigation Elements where expected Works on all browsers Works across range of devices - RWD Responsive Web Design: optimal viewing and interaction experience —easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). There are lots of articles on good web design.
Worst Practices: (Ideas from one of the best practices sites) Failing to lead visitors to do what they are at the site to do. poor use of images, color, text, navigation, etc. Treating website like a newspaper with aggressive use of space Not paying attention to typography (web is predominately text) Failing to figure out what to take away rather than what to add “add less, not more” Not engaging or memorable