+ Humanistic Theories of Personality Module 57
+ Humanistic Theories of Personality Stress the importance of our free will in determining who we want to be Individuals are striving for self- actualization
+ Carl Rogers Self-concept at heart of individual personality Self-concept All the unique beliefs and personality characteristics an individual has
+ Carl Rogers Sometimes a difference existed between self-concept and reality Incongruence Self-concept not consistent with reality Feelings of disappointment and failure Congruence Self-concept consistent Positive self-esteem and mental health
+ Carl Rogers To build a positive self-concept, individuals need A (Acceptance) G (Genuine) E (Empathy) Leads to unconditional positive regard
+ Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of needs People are born good Self-actualization Reaching toward the best person we can be On going process
+ Positive Psychology Scientific study of human virtues Wisdom Altruism (selflessness) Justice courage
+ Behaviorist Theory of Personality B.F. Skinner One’s history of reinforcement shapes our behavior, which is our personality.