Military Life During the Civil War
Life of a Soldier Who were they? Ages: 9-83 (most: 18-30) From cities, towns and farms’ More German and Irish
African Americans At first neither side would let them fight North- fought for the North in segregated units South mostly used slaves as labor for factories- afraid to arm them.
Numbers: Total both sides: more than 3 million total Union: >2 million Confederacy: <1 million
Life of a Soldier Reasons to join: Loyalty Excitement Glory Boredom Money
Life of a Soldier Uniforms: North: dark blue U.S. uniforms South: gray, tan, light blue South was not well equipped- shortages of shoes, boots, coats, clothing, weapons, food. Both sides would take food, clothing, boots, etc. from the dead.
Life of a Soldier Camp Living: Tents: Drills, drills, drills and more drills
Life of a Soldier Unhealthy conditions:
Life of a Soldier Food:
Life of a Soldier Hospitals: Poor hygiene Doctors didn’t know about germs Lack of supplies (such as anesthesia) Severe injuries-amputations common Illness and infection
Civil War Hospitals
Civil War Prisons North: Poor conditions- many died of sickness and exposure Worst camp was in Elmira, NY 12,000+ prisoners 24% died in one year
Civil War Prisons South Little shelter Drinking water from creek- also the sewer Worst prison: Andersonville, Georgia 13,000 died from starvation, disease, exposure