The Civil War—Background Info technology sparked a transition from “old” to “modern warfare” – rifles, minié ball, balloons, iron ships, submarine, machine gun “others” in the war – the 54 th Massachusetts was a famous group of black soldiers (Union) – women served as nurses & spies (Clara Barton founded the Red Cross [M] ) there were 2 main “theatres of combat” – the East & the West soldiers experienced filthy conditions – poor sanitation (medical care) – terrible prison camps (Andersonville was the worst)
The Civil War—New Weapons
Advantages Union – Population (manpower) – Resources (coal, iron, gold) – Industrial Capability (92% of nation’s industry) – Better Transportation (railroad network) Confederacy – stronger sectional pride – Southerners were “defending their homes” – didn’t have to “win” (just didn’t have to “lose”) – better military leadership (Lee and Jackson) – outdoor experience (hunters better shooters)
each side’s Strategy for Victory Union – the Anaconda (Constrictor) Plan was to blockade/choke the South – divide the South at the Mississippi River – put pressure on Richmond (the Confederate capital) Confederacy – just had to stay on defense – use “King Cotton Diplomacy” to get European recognition/aid