This is what we got ourselves into? How war affects society.
The home front feels an impact. Bread Riots – Women and children began to steal food because most food was sent to soldiers.
You don’t want to fight? TO BAD! Draft – all men between must join military. Planters with 20+ slaves or those with a substitute can avoid the draft.
Money makes the world go round… Inflation – average price increase 9,000% for confederate troops. Grocery bill went from $6 a week to $68 a week.
Women and war Took jobs as nurses and clothes menders. Many worked as spies for both sides.
Civil War prison camps: The basics. 425,000 men, 15% of all Civil War soldiers were In prisoner camps. Captured Union soldiers had it worse. Andersonville the most notorious prison camp.
Conditions rear their ugly head -Bad hygiene. -Terrible nutrition.
Only in America?
Its not all bad...Sort of Told stories from their camp days. Played games. Planned escapes.