Proton PMG September 3 rd 2015 Cons Gattuso AD Shutdown Manager
Project Schedule 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager2 End of shutdown Beam Based Alignment
Major Jobs in the shutdown Linac –Laser Notcher installation –Marx Modulator Booster –Anode power supplies replacement –Vacuum upgrades –Installation of BRF 20 and prepare area BRF21 & 22 install –Water system upgrades –ADCW magnet harvesting –Beam pipe Downs stream of MP02 vacuum leak –Vacuum Leak on Primary collimator –BMA short9 and short10 were replaced MI/RR –TSP to Ion Pump conversion –Replacement of beam pipe at 421/425/429 location –Installed Electron Cloud detector –ADCW magnet replacement –Removal of instrumentation package at MI102 location 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager3 Muon Campus F0 Aperture improvement F17 region rework AP1 line rework RR to P1 installation NuMI Multi wire replacement Horn 1 replacement External Beams F36-2 Water lean on a B2 dipole F32-3 Water leak on B2 dipole Control Standard Database system and JAVA updates Infrastructure Master Sub Station Upgrade September 8th handover to ComED
Linac/Booster Job Status Linac –Laser Notcher installation -Completed ( remaining work does not impact operations) All of the vacuum components have been installed Still testing laser amplifiers On scheduled for beam base testing in late fall –Marx Modulator – Completed (remaining work does not impact operations) In parallel with the modulator in LRF1 Can by put into and out of the system within 30 min time frame. Booster –Anode power supplies replacement East status ~85% complete –Life safety systems being installed –Water system has been installed Loop system in the process of improving resistivity –High voltage testing Will start next week, ~ 2 week process West Side status ~15% complete –On schedule to be completed by the week of September 25 th 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager4
Linac/Booster Job Status –Vacuum upgrades – 100% Completed –Installation of BRF 20 and prepare area BRF21 & 22 install ~85% Complete BRF20 will be shipped today –Cavity will be install mid next week/ –Buss bar connection are nearly complete final connection will be made next week –Modulator and Bias supply for the Stations 20 will be installed next week –Misc RF rack modifications that need to be made. –Water system upgrades 100% Completed Upgrades are done We are in the process of filling the system ~50% complete –Filling will take a few days to a week as we fix leaks that are discovered along the way, 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager5
Main Injector/Recycler Job Status RR TSP to Ion pump conversion – 100% Completed –In the check out process we have discovered 1 cable that was damaged during installation. IP6331 will need to be re-pulled, this will take place in the next few weeks RR 307 Beam Pipe replacement -100% Completed MI-8 Heat exchanger repair –Pitting on internal welds is causing the tubes to leak Working on several plans to fix this problem ADCW installation at the 904 location –Take will start tomorrow MI 307 Duplex Pipe replacement 5% Completed –Fabrication of spool pieces is still underway –Working through a safety plan on this job RR 425/429 Beam loss issues 50% Completed –Several segments of beam pipe we discovered with welds that intruded within the aperture –A segment of pipe was found to have a chicane that limit the aperture size –First of 2 bakes will be completed Friday –Second bake will start middle of next week 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager6
Muon Campus Job status RR to P1 line ~95% complete –Stands and girders have been installed –The P1 line has been restored –Cable pulls have been completed –All that remains Reinstallation of the MI quad Q525 Cable termination and hook ups are underway F0 Region Reconfiguration ~95% complete – Lamberstons have been removed –Vacuum system has been rebuilt –All that remains V714 dipole needs to have the 500 MCM cable lengthened and connected Instrumentation components need to be hooked up and tested 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager7
Muon Campus Job status F17 Region Reconfiguration ~75% complete –Stands have been installed –Magnet installation is underway and should be completed today –All that remains Vacuum system installation Magnet/beam pipe alignment Pre-Target/Prevault ~20% complete –Work scheduled to start next week Stand installation Magnet installation Vacuum installation Alignment 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager8
External Beams Shutdown Job Status F32-3 water leak ~75% complete –Dipole was removed and taken to A0 transfer hall and the leak was repaired –Remaining work Install the magnet ( should take place week 10/11 of the shutdown) Rebuild the vacuum system NS2 LCW System modernization ~55% complete –Old system has been removed –Reinstallation of the new system is underway ~1.5 weeks left to completion MS2 LCW System modernization (will occur during January Down period) H202 dipole replacement (should take place week 11/12 of the shutdown) 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager9
External Beams Shutdown Job Status BNB –Cable pulls for MI12 Instrumentation -50% completed –Interlock system modification Cables for Safety System Gates – 75% completed Gates 100% completed Procedure changes need to be made/reviewed –Work has start on this task Software changes to the Safety System need to be done/tested –Some work has been started on this task. 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager10
External Beams Shutdown Job Status NuMI –Pretarget Multi wire replacement for PMTGTL, PM114 and PM117 – 100% complete –Muon Alcove 1 shielding wall installation 100% complete –Drain Cleaning -100% complete –Raw water system Maintience 100% complete –Dehumidifier system repairs and maintience 100% complete –Started Horn 1 replacement process has commenced ~ 20% complete 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager11
Misc. Safety System Test: –Semi-Annual test potential impact on the order of 1-2 days to overall schedule Linac was completed this last Wednesday As work is completed in tunnel enclosures testing will be scheduled/done –MI12A/B –F-sector –Muon Campus Transport/Pre-Target/Pre-Vault –Booster –MI enclosures –NuMI enclosures –SY enclosures 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager12
On schedule –Completion of shutdown work Friday October 2 nd Power supply turn-on and checkout the Weekend of October 3 rd Turning on Week of October 5 th –1-2 Week of Start up/ Commissioning Resumption of Physic Program –Week of the October 19 Conclusion 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager13