Bromine Casey Carr
Discoverers Carl Jacob Löwig discovered bromine as a brown gas after mineral salts were treated with chlorine in Antoine Jerome Balard discovered bromine in it’s chemical form after isolating it from chlorine in 1826.
Periodic Table Facts Found in group 17 and period 4 Atomic number is protons 35 electrons 45 neutrons
Importance Purifies and disinfects water Compounds used to make compositions of new medicines Helps make flame resistant objects such as some plastics
Location on Earth Found in the earth’s crust Sea waters in chemical form
Physical Properties Deep, red liquid Boiling point is 332 K Melting point K Toxic Br
Dangers of Bromine dangerous chemical, whether purified or in gas form Causes an iodine deficiency by replacing iodine in the body with bromine.
Iodine Deficiency Causes fatigue, headaches, weight gain, depression, and shivers Doesn’t show up on a regular test