Freight Performance Measures at the Texas-Mexico Border: Wait Times, Travel Times and Data Dissemination Border to Border Conference November 14,
Background and Objectives Delay time for commercial motor vehicles entering and leaving the U.S. at ports-of-entry with Mexico is a key indicator of transportation and international supply-chain performance. TXDOT and FHWA are interested in measuring travel times for commercial trucks crossing from Mexico to the US This information will be the basis for a border performance measurement system and is part of FHWA’s Freight Performance Measurement initiative Data collected in the system will be used to analyze different improvements in the border crossing process Importance of trade with Mexico -- $460 billion in Introduction
How Do Trucks Enter US 3 City agencies, county, MPOs
Current Project Objectives Measure and disseminate real-time and historic wait times and crossing times information from US-Mexico border crossings as well as maintenance of field hardware at Texas- Mexico Crossings for 3 years: a)Brownsville Veterans Bridge, Brownsville b)Pharr Reynosa International Bridge, Pharr c)World Trade Bridge, Laredo d)Colombia-Solidarity International Bridge, Laredo e)Bridge of the Americas, El Paso f)Zaragoza-Ysleta International Bridge, El Paso (including POV) 5
RFID Based Wait and Crossing Time System MX Aduana U.S.MX RFID Reader and Antenna 6 U.S. CBP DPS RFID equipment reads tags/transponders already carried by trucks. These tags could be (user fee decal, FAST, MX/US toll tags) The project will not distribute tags. Bluetooth technology works in a similar way except it tracks Bluetooth signal emitted by electronic devices carried by motorists and vehicles. Wait Time Crossing Time
Measuring Locations – Colombia 7
8 January 2011 – R1 in Mexico August 2010 – R3 in DPS May 2011 – R2 at CBP Primary
9 Information Dissemination Bridge of the Americas Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge World Trade Bridge Veteran’s Memorial Bridge TTI Zaragoza Bridge Camino Colombia Bridge Source: Google Being Planned /Designed Deployed
10 Information Dissemination BCIS Traffic Management Center (US and/or MX) DMS HAR State-wide 511 Local Media Social Networking Sites Private Partners CBP Field Stations DPS, Highway Patrol
Web-based with access to everybody. – Prototype Web tool – Working on a new Web tool – Coordinating with US CBP to come up with appropriate algorithm and update frequency. RSS feeds for other agency access (US and MX). 11 Information Dissemination
12 Information Dissemination Real-Time Information Current wait time of US bound commercial vehicles Current crossing time of US bound commercial vehicles Current Segment travel times RSS Feeds for wait and crossing times Archived Information Historic wait and crossing time of US bound commercial vehicles 15-minute, hourly averages. Histogram of wait and crossing times. Compare POEs. Total daily and monthly delays Transponder count (15- minute, hourly, daily)
13 Hourly Transponder Count at CBP – WTB vs Colombia July 2 MonJuly 3 TueJuly 4 WedJuly 5 ThuJuly 6 Fri July 2 MonJuly 3 TueJuly 4 WedJuly 5 ThuJuly 6 Fri
14 15 Minute Average Wait Time – WTB 100 min In the Web site, individual data points show wait time and time stamp. July 10 Tue
15 15 Minute Average Crossing Time – WTB 100 min July 10 Tue
16 Hourly Average Wait and Crossing Time 60 min
17 Histogram of Wait Times July 10 (Tuesday) July 17 (Tuesday)
18 Monthly Average Wait Time - BOTA Monthly Average Wait Time Monthly NB Truck Volume
19 Query Archived Data View Dashboard Subscribe Data Feed View Project Reports About Project Team How System Works Help and Glossary Monitor System
Esther Hitzfelder (TxDOT) Tel: Juan Carlos Villa (TTI) Tel: Rajat Rajbhandari (TTI) Tel: 23 Contact Information