Crimes Against Property Chapter 10
Arson and Vandalism Malicious burning of property Crime whether you own building or not May lead to other more, serious crimes.. homicide
Vandalism Willful destruction of property Typically committed by juveniles 141,600 arrests in 1996 under age 18 Cost billions of dollars in damages
Other Property Crimes Larceny Taking of property with intent to steal Grand and petty larceny ($100 and up) Shoplifting Embezzlement Taking of property by someone who you trusted
Robbery Taking of property by force or intimidation Element of force Pickpocket vs a Mugger Almost always a felony Armed robbery
Extortion (Blackmail) Use of threats to gain property from someone else Threat of some future type of harm Organized crime
Burglary Also known as breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony Most occur at night, penalties more severe End Section 1
Identity Theft Fastest growing crime in the U.S! Occurs when someone uses your personal information (Name, SS#, Credit card #) to commit fraud. 9 million people affected yearly Video – “Preventing Identity Theft”
What do they do with your Information? Credit Card Fraud Purchase items on your card Take cash advances Utility Fraud Cell phones, cable TV, etc. Bank/Finance Fraud Open account and write checks Copy your ATM card
Cont. Take out a loan in your name Government document fraud Use your SS# to get government benefits File fraudulent tax return in your name to get a refund check Other things ……
Preventing ID Theft …… Awareness Tear up your mail Be careful giving out personal info over the phone, internet Regularly check your credit report!
Forgery Altering a writing or document with intent to defraud Signing Changing/erasing Uttering Offering a document known to be fake
Other Property Crimes Receiving stolen property Over $100 = Felony Unauthorized use of a vehicle Temporarily taking someone’s vehicle Auto theft Car Jacking – fastest growing Force used to coma dear a vehicle
Computer Crime One of the fastest growing of all property crimes Credit card purchases Copyright violations Pirating Hackers Computer Fraud and Abuse Act 1986