Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360 1.3 Modes of Transportation Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360
Modes of Transportation In general there are three main types of Transport: Land Transport Water Transport Air Transport
Modes of Transportation Various modes offer different set of services characteristics in terms of - travel time - frequency - comfort - reliability - convenience - safety and environmental impacts As well as in capital cost and operation cost. The term “level of service” is used to describe the relative values of these attributes. Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360
Modes of Transportation Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360
Modes of Land Transport 1. Highways The highway system is the dominant transportation mode. Used by private vehicles, truck lines and bus lines. Its major markets are urban passenger transportation, urban goods distribution, intercity passenger transportation and intercity freight. Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360
Modes of Land Transport 1. Highways Very high accessibility. Direct service Moderate speeds Moderate capacities Operating costs are relatively high Environmental impacts are high Major social concern, particularly in the case of air pollution and noise. Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360
Modes of Land Transport 2. Urban Transit A highly specialized mode. It serves urban passenger transportation. Generally, transit passenger are drawn from two groups: Commuters (choice riders): persons making work trips into dense central business districts. Captive riders: those without access to automobiles.
Modes of Land Transport 2. Urban Transit Operating speed depends on the type of transit. Capacity is high. Accessibility depends on route and stop/station spacing, but is generally less than for private autos. Operating costs are moderate, but operating cost per trip is almost always higher than the fare. Environmental impacts are lower. Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360
Modes of Land Transport 3. Rail Transport Consists of railroads. The primary market for rail is intercity freight.. Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360
Modes of Land Transport 3. Rail Transport Rail has become increasingly specialized in bulk cargo. Passenger rail trips are of short to intermediate length, and are confined to a few high density corridors. Moderate speeds and levels of accessibility. Unreliable door-to-door travel times. Physical facilities and their maintenance for railways represent a heavy investment. Operating costs per ton-km are low, but the efficiency of traditional operating strategies is poor. Environmental impacts are comparatively low, and the energy efficiency is comparatively high. which run direct from point-to-point, and piggyback (truck trailer on flatcar) or containerized freight services, which reduce loading and unloading times Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360
Air Transport Includes commercial airlines, airfreight carriers, and private aircraft. Long-distance travel (Intercity and international). Some intercity freight is shipped by air which is mainly composed products with high values.
Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360 Air Transport High speed. Accessibility is limited. Capacities (individual aircrafts) are moderate. Productivity is high due to the very high speeds. Capital and operating costs are both quite high for the commercial air system High productivity results in moderate costs per passenger. Costs of airports and aircraft are moderate, usually in the same range as of highway facilities and vehicles of comparable capacity. Environmental impacts are significant, especially noise, much less concern than those of the highway system. Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360
Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360 Water Transport Consist of coastwise ocean shipping and barge lines operating on inland waterways.. Major types of oceangoing freighters include container ships, bulk cargo carriers, and oil tankers. Mainly for freight. low speed and low accessibility Extremely high capacities. The capital cost of vessels is high, operating costs per ton-km are extremely low. Environmental impacts are low, except for water pollution. Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360
Other Transportation Systems Bicycles Maglev Train Cable cars Transportation System Engineering 1 , 61360