Parent information meeting Monday 16 th May 2016
Lambs Lane Vision The political background and national context for Academies What is happening locally within Wokingham and local schools What is an academy and what are the differences to the school today? The benefits for Lambs Lane of becoming an Academy Academy structures e.g. single academies, multi-academy trusts (MATs) Next Steps for Lambs Lane Questions & Answers
Our priority remains focused on getting to good ◦ We have made progress in all key areas and will continue to do so Best way to get to good is collaboration with other “good” schools ◦ We currently work well with our local cluster schools on an informal basis ◦ We have a more structured partnership with a group of other Wokingham schools (The FTP) In terms of academisation, joining a successful Multi-Academy trust or helping to set up a local one will help us continue our journey to good
“Cameron to press ahead with plan to turn all schools into academies” “All schools to become academies by 2020” “Every school will be forced to become an academy, Government to announce”
“Government drops plan to make all schools in England academies” “Government climbdown over forced academies plan in England” “David Cameron announces U-turn on academies following Tory rebellion”
The goal to academise all schools remains Education and Adoption Bill Passed into law in March 2016 Increased power to intervene in failing schools Defined coasting schools – new floor levels for performance Gave greater authority to Regional Schools Commissioners LA funding cuts and re-definition of role (accountability) Automatic academy conversion (sponsorship) if: Schools are deemed to be coasting 3 consecutive ‘requires improvement’ Ofsted inspections Inadequate Ofsted inspection Other schools causing concern – identified by LA or RSC
No. of academies (April 1, 2016) 5,272 academies are open in England (Jan 2015 = 4,722) Primary = 3,023 Convertors = 2,063 Sponsored = 960 Secondary = 2,020 Convertors = 1,426 Sponsored = 594 706 new academies in 2015/16 304 Free Schools (Academies by another name) 854 schools are in the process of becoming an academy Coasting schools could add another 1,400 sponsored academies Overall % of state-funded schools (March 2015): Type of establishment PrimarySecondary Total Academies 18%59%25% Free Schools (including studio schools and UTCs) 1%7%1% LA Maintained 81%34%74% Percentage of Pupils (in Jan 2015) 38.5%
Existing: ◦ 6 secondary academy trusts: Piggott (through school), Forest, Holt, Maiden Erlegh, Waingels, Oakbank (Free School) ◦ 2 primary academy trusts – Windmill, Wheatfields ◦ 1 primary free school: Evendon Opening 2016 ◦ Secondary academy: Bohunt Wokingham ◦ Primary Academy: Floreat Montague Park
Over next 5 years, a further ◦ 6 primary free schools created through the Basic Needs/SDL programme: Shinfield West (2016/17), Spencers Wood (2018), Matthews Green (2018), Arborfield (2019), Hogwood (2020), South of Railway (2020) The Local Authority are actively supporting Wokingham Schools to move to academy status. ◦ From July 2016, the LA will no longer be accountable for standards in the schools, this will fall to the RSC’s.
Members Trust Board (Trustees) Committee SchoolCommittee Good/outstanding schools can choose to become an academy themselves but have to be approved for conversion by DfE by satisfying tests regarding standards and sustainability = ‘Converter’ academy. NOT AN OPTION FOR LAMBS LANE
2 or more schools in a formal partnership and under the same Trust 30+: National chains e.g. Oasis, AET, E-ACT, Harris ◦ Geographically spread – schools are ‘clustered’ ◦ Grown too quickly and often get bad press 11-30: Mid-sized MATs – 11 – 30 schools ◦ Can be local or geographically spread ◦ Fewer MATs growing to this size 2- 10: Small MATs – 2 – 10 schools ◦ Largest growth ◦ Typically local geographically
Members Trust Board (Trustees/Govs) Committee Local Governing Body School Local Governing Body School One Trust embracing a number of Academies Single Employer Single line of accountability to Secretary of State Central functions (typically finance, HR etc) Shared leadership – Executive Head/CEO Degrees of devolved governance
Our options: ◦ Stay as we are: benefits of remaining within the LA are diminishing – less support available and less money. Being a “requires improvement school” puts us in a vulnerable position. Government could also redefine “coasting”. ◦ Single Academy: not an option because we are a requires improvement school. Would be too small to make it work even if good. ◦ Multi Academy Chain: No. Too big, lose control. ◦ Local MAT: Yes. Work with the schools we already have a relationship with. We should be in control of our own destiny Lambs Lane should actively pursue joining/establishing a local MAT
Allows us to maintain control of our school for our community Greater freedom in developing a curriculum that is personalised to our pupils ◦ E.g Curriculum could be enriched with Music and French Financial benefits ◦ Funding comes direct from central government – freedom to spend where we think it will have most impact ◦ Opportunity to bid for capital money to further improve our school environment ◦ Can still buy into LA services where it makes sense ◦ Value for money as purchasing power combines with other schools in the MAT Partnership / collaboration with other good, local schools ◦ Share teaching & learning practices ◦ Share experience, expertise, skills and resources ◦ Programme of mutual development and support Attract, recruit and retain good staff through opportunities to work across the MAT Stronger governance
1. Governing Body passes a resolution to convert (not binding) 2. Formally apply to DfE ◦ and notify Local Authority 3. Set up or join a multi-academy trust ◦ Appoint a solicitor (£25k grant) ◦ Consult with stakeholders ◦ LOTS of paperwork – articles of association, funding agreement, land … 4. Transfer responsibilities to the Trust ◦ Land, staff, pensions ……. 5. Review consultation and make final decision
Tell us what you think Consider what is best for Lambs Lane and getting to good ◦ Discuss options with local schools and their governing bodies ◦ Continue to evaluate the advantages, disadvantages and risks ◦ Talk to other academies and MATs Formally apply so that we can …. ◦ Get support – legal, DfE, RSC ◦ Enter a period of official consultation ◦ Formally investigate partnership options Take the final decision to convert based on input from all stakeholders ◦ Staff, parents, pupils, other local schools
Your Questions and thoughts please