Queen of Apostles School Discipline Policy
Right to Education with Catholic Foundation Consistent with the mission and ministry of CCMT, Queen of Apostles School believes that all students admitted to our school have a right to an education with a Catholic foundation, including values, traditions, mores, and faith-based practices. As such, school disciplinary measures should not result in removing students from valuable instructional time. This Discipline Policy will make every to correct and mentor student behavior at the lowest possible level, helping students learn the skills necessary to avoid negative behavior.
General Principles The goal of student discipline is to create a safe, respectful, family Christian environment within our walls so that each student can reach his/her potential and become the person God intends him/her to be. Successful school discipline is guided by the following principles.. Each student, parent, staff member is a Child of God and should be given the highest respect Teach and mentor the correct behavior before punishment so students can learn from their mistakes Students should have a role in their improvement plan Older students can help younger students to prevent or correct negative behaviors Most discipline problems can be addressed by the teacher in the classroom Discipline should be reasonable, timely, fair, age-appropriate, and should match the severity of the student’s behavior/attitude
Types of Interventions There are three types of intervention strategies that are available to teachers and administrators: Queen of Apostles Discipline Policy with concentrate on Restorative and Therapeutic. Administrative, Restorative, and Skill-based/Therapeutic. Administrative Strategies are statutory, rule-based, or contract-based interventions done “to” the offender, such as detention or suspension. Restorative Strategies are problem solving interventions done “with” the offender. They focus on the harm caused and how it will be repaired. Examples may include: o Family group conferencing o Victim-offender mediation o Classroom peace circles Therapeutic/Resource Strategies are done “by” the offender and require intrinsic motivational behavior change. Such interventions include: o Mental health counseling o Anger management classes o Informal mentoring and behavior coaching
Inappropriate or Disruptive BehaviorLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5 Cheatingxxx Assault (pushing, tripping)xxx Bullyingxxxxx Classroom Disruptionxxxxx Defiance of Authority (non-violent)xxxxx Disrespectful Behaviorxxxxx Dress Code Violationxx
Inappropriate or Disruptive BehaviorLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5 Fighting with Q of A Studentsxx Chewing Gum or Eating in Classxx Use of Alcohol, Drugs, etcxx Lying to, Misleading Adultsxxxxx Unexcused Tardinessxx Theftxxxxx Cyber-Bullying or Cyber Attacksxx
Levels of Interventions, Mentoring, and Disciplinary Responses Level 1 Teacher/Student Conference Reminders and Re-Direction Teaching of Expectations and Skills Written Apology Reflective Essay or Activity Independent Study Role play Student on student meeting Level 2 Any Lower-Level Interventions Parent/Guardian Outreach In Class Time Out Seat Change Self Charting of Behaviors Daily report card on behavior, task completion, and achievement Reprimand by administrator Student removes self from class for a 10 minute period Loss of privileges (e.g. exclusion from group lunch or extra activities) Mini-course training (e.g. conflict resolution, anger management, social skills, or appropriate behavior) Beautify the School Building (cleaning, organizing) Level 3 Any Lower-level interventions Student/Teacher/Parent Conference Referral to support staff (e.g. counselor) Short-term behavioral progress reports Behavioral Intervention Plans Referral to after school program Detention as Behavior Opportunity Time Community service Mentoring program Peer mediation Functional Behavioral Assessment Referral to school based or mental health clinic Referral to community based services Modification of IEP/SP
Levels of Interventions and Disciplinary Responses Level 4 Any Lower-level interventions Detention for student to write improvement plan Saturday school Restorative justice In school suspension (1 to 3 days) Teen court/peer jury Restitution Sending student home Level 5 Any lower-level interventions Sending student home Alternative educational placement Recommendation for expulsion Arrest or referral to law enforcement This list is not intended to be exhaustive. The use of additional interventions and disciplinary responses that are consistent with this Policy and it goals are encouraged. The principal and discipline committee reserve the right to place a student immediately in a higher level (without having to go through each level) if the behavior is severe or endangers another student’s safety.
Example If a student is disruptive in class and it is determined that an intervention or disciplinary response is needed, the teacher should utilize one or more interventions from Level One. If that student is again disruptive during the same school year, the teacher may utilize one or more interventions from Levels One or Two. If the interventions are unsuccessful and the student commits the same infraction a third time, then the teacher may utilize one or more interventions from Levels One, Two, or Three. If the behavior occurs again, one or more interventions from Levels One, Two, or Three may again be utilized. For major discipline problem, such as fighting or bullying, the Principal or discipline committee may start at the fourth or fifth level. Parent will be notified when the student receives a level two through five intervention.
Behavior off of School Property and outside of school day. A student may not be disciplined for behavior off school property and outside of the school day, unless the behavior seriously affects the health or safety of a Queen of Apostles student or staff member.
Bullying Bullying will be described as 3 insults from the same person. (Facial expressions and whispering will not be included unless there is actual proof of what was said). First and second offences may be documented by the students and given to the teacher or principal. A student will fill in a Bully Report after the third insult by the same person.
Cyberbullying and/or Cyber attacks Cyberbullying will not be dealt with in School unless undeniable, visual proof of the bullying can be provided to the Principal. For example, the students brings in her/his phone and shows the principal the the comment on Facebook or Instagram.
Resiliency, Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence This Queen of Apostles Discipline Policy aims to teach, model, and mentor the students into positive behaviors and attitudes that will be helpful throughout their entire lives. We pray that when our students leave Queen of Apostles, they will enter High School with Resiliency, Self- Esteem and Self-Confidence!
Expulsion Expulsion may occur when a student shows no improvement over all five levels of intervention or when another student’s or staff’s physical or mental safety is endangered. Parents will be notified when a student reaches the second level of intervention. By the 4 th level all notifications must be signed and returned. Signing does not imply the parent agrees with the intervention, only that they have seen it. The principal and discipline committee reserve the right to take away or lessen any intervention. This discipline policy is a being used as a Pilot Program this school year. We welcome all parents, staff, and students input and suggestions, especially written input. All communication on this Discipline Policy will be evaluated in May in preparation for finalization. Only the principal or discipline committee has the right to take away or lessen a student’s intervention.
Queen of Apostles School Discipline Policy This discipline policy will be used for the school year. Thank you for your support as we try to make our discipline more student-friendly. Since this policy is new, we welcome all parent’s, staff, and students’ input and suggestions, especially written input. All communication on this Discipline Policy will be evaluated in May.