D SHRM Chapters & State Councils CMP May Webinar Phyllis Shurn-Hannah, SHRM-SCP SHRM Northeast Regional Field Services Director Crystal Adair SHRM Senior Member Engagement Associate (SMEA) Bhavna Dave Director of Talent SHRM member since 2005
2016 CMP Webinar Schedule 3:00 PM (ET) 2 DATES July19th November 1 st Send webinar topics to Phyllis at
3 Find your BREAKTHROUGH. Your perspective will be transformed. annual.shrm.org
SHRM Overview Mark Your Calendars! (late submissions = no SHAPE award) November 17-19, 2016 SHRM Volunteer Leader Summit; Washington DC December 1 (if you transition mid-year, send it in 15 days before the term starts) CLIF & SCLIF due December 31 Deadline for receipt of SHRM Foundation donation for January 31 Chapter SHAPE Year-End Report due April 15 th Rewards Section due new January 31 State Council SHAPE Year-End Report due April 15 th Rewards Section Due new 4 Important Dates & Deadlines
5 Crystal Adair
Chapter Promotional Program -NEW ters/pages/chaprforms.aspx Membership Reports Demographic reports SHRM members in your chapters Quarterly Membership Report – no longer monthly Mailing labels/E-blast process Message must be approved Use mailing lists once ters/pages/chaprforms.aspx 6 Misc. Items to remember
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Phyllis Shurn-Hannah 8
SHRM Overview Member Definitions At-large Members At-large member is an individual who is a member of SHRM but is not affiliated with a local chapter. Recruiting at-large members to your chapter is a great way to increase SHRM membership in your chapter. Online membership application includes a required field for indicating chapter membership. Local Members Only (LMOs) An LMO is an individual who belongs to a local chapter but is not a SHRM member. Promote benefits of joining SHRM to your LMOs. Discount offered to first-time SHRM members via a promotional code (0118). Strengthens partnership between SHRM and the chapter. 9 Membership
SHRM Overview Member Definitions Primary Members Member of more than one chapter (multi-member) who designates one chapter as the primary chapter (this chapter receives CFSP for the member). Multi-Members Member of SHRM who maintains membership in multiple chapters. Primary chapter affiliation is with another SHRM affiliate chapter. A chapter would receive credit for chapter affiliation percentage purposes for multi-members but not for CFSP. 10 Membership
SHRM Overview Primary Chapter Designation Form submission deadline From January – November, forms must be received by the 5 th business day prior to the end of the month to be processed. For December, must be received by December 15 th to be processed by the end of the year. While a SHRM member may belong to more than one affiliated chapter, only one chapter may be designated as that member's primary chapter. The member is free to change that designation as he/she wishes. Primary Chapter Designation Forms are signed directives from the member to SHRM authorizing SHRM to change his/her primary chapter designation. The form is completed by the member and faxed or ed to SHRM. Upon receipt of the executed form, the member's primary chapter will be changed. To ensure changes are made during the appropriate month, submission deadlines are in place. 11 Primary Membership
SHRM Overview Top challenges for growing membership N = 742 Difficulty in communicating value33% Insufficient staff20% Difficulty attracting and/or maintaining younger members18% Declining member/employer budgets18% Competitive association(s) or sources of information17% Membership too diverse; difficulty meeting needs of different segments17%
SHRM Overview TOP 10 REASON FOR JOINING ORGANIZATION (N = 798) 1. Networking with others in the field23% 2. Access to specialized and/or current information12% 3.Advocacy10% 4. Continuing education9% 5. Learning best practices in their profession6% 6. Discounts on product or meeting purchases6% 7. Conferences/trade shows5% 8. Prestige of belonging to the association5% 9. Accreditation or certification3% 10. Association Publications3%
Top 10 Recruitment Marketing Channels N = Word-of-mouth recommendations49% % 3. Association website23% 4. Direct mail21% 5. Cross-sell to non-members who buy your products or attend your conferences 19% 6. Personal sales calls16% 7. Local events/meetings14% 8. Promotion to/at your own conferences/trade shows14% 9. Association-sponsored events14% 10. Chapters11%
Top 10 Reasons for not renewing membership N = Lack of engagement with the organization38% 2.Left the field, industry, or profession30% 3. Could not justify membership costs with any significant ROI30% 4. Employer won’t pay or stopped paying dues28% 5. Budget cuts/economic hardship of company28% 6. Lack of Value18% 7. Forgot to renew17% 8. Too expensive15% 9. Company closed or merged15% 10. Retirement14%
SHRM Overview Resources from SHRM Membership Recruitment and Retention Toolkit Lists to assist you in contacting at-large members in your chapter area via mail State Council/Chapter Successful Practices Webcasts and conference calls to share practices and challenges with other volunteers and staff SHRM sends s and mailings to at-large members about local chapters SHRM online membership application has box to fill in chapter membership 16 Membership
SHRM Overview Value of Chapter Membership Brochure is free to chapters and downloadable to hand out at meetings Can request hard copies as well Explains the value of chapter membership to SHRM members Use it to contact at-large members to invite them to become chapter members 17 Membership Affiliation Brochure
1.Conferences – what went well, what were your challenges 2.Technology, best databases available, what to avoid, etc. 18 Best practice sharing
THANK YOU! (Please note that these slides are copyrighted material and may only be distributed to an audience at a SHRM speaker presentation. Further distribution is not allowed, except with permission by SHRM.) Phyllis Shurn-Hannah, SHRM-SCP NE Field Services Director 703/ Crystal Adair Senior Member Engagement Associate 703/