1 Retention: Partners Make It Happen March 22, 2012 and March 29, 2011 For Audio: Dial-in#: Participant Code: #
2 Welcome & Introduction Ground Rules for Webinar Participation Welcome This is a “public event.” If you have confidentiality concerns... -Your names appear on-line in the list of webinar registrants--consider viewing the webinar at a later time, after it is posted at incarecampaign.org, or simply listening to the audio -All webinars are recorded--do not use identifying information when asking questions For Audio: Dial-in#: Participant Code: #
3 Welcome & Introduction Ground Rules for Webinar Participation Actively participate and write your questions into the chat area during the presentation Do not put us on hold Mute your line if you are not speaking (press *6, to unmute your line press #6) Slides and other resources will be available on our website at incarecampaign.org For Audio: Dial-in#: Participant Code: #
4 Welcome & Introduction Agenda Welcome & Introductions, 5 mins in+care Campaign Overview, 5 mins The Importance of Retention, 15 mins Opportunities to Improve Retention, 10 mins Partners in+care Overview, 10 mins Q & A opportunities throughout webinar
5 At the end of this webinar, you will know... What is retention and why is it important Some of the challenges to retention and how they can be overcome How to get involved as a partner in the in+care campaign Welcome & Introduction Learning Topics
6 Welcome & Introduction Introduce Guests Michael Hager, NQC Dr. Anna Huang, HRSA/HAB John Sapero, Maricopa Co. Ryan White Program Part A [Phoenix, AZ] Bob Tracy, NQC peer consultant [Saint Paul, MN]
7 The goal of the in+care Campaign is to bring patients back to care and keep others from falling out of care. In+care Campaign Overview Purpose
8 In+care Campaign Overview National Campaign Regional, state and local Ryan White grantees and providers; all parts Partners – people living with HIV/AIDS and their allies
9 In+care Campaign Overview 5 Parts
10 In+care Campaign Overview Get the Toolkit +request welcome toolkit
11 In+care Campaign Overview Additional Questions: Contact us a Visit Web site:
12 In+care Campaign’s Focus on Retention What is Retention? Stay in care / Return to care Retention –having a routine for seeing your doctor/health care provider on a regular schedule Doing this persistently – year- after-year-after-year
13 In+care Campaign Focus on Retention Where does it fit? Continuum of Engagement
14 1/3 to 2/3 of PLWHA in US are not in regular care In+care Campaign’s Focus on Retention Retention – It Needs Our Attention 17-40% of PLWHA who know status are not in regular care 40% of patients newly diagnosed did not see provider within 6 months Visit – Resources Tab to review studies on need for and benefits of retention.
15 In+care Campaign Focus on Retention Risk of Poor Retention Visit – Resources Tab to review studies on need for and benefits of retention. Why do we need to be concerned about people not being in regular HIV care? Less likely to benefit from HIV drug therapies or to be adherent Experience more illnesses requiring hospitalization. Trouble managing transmission risk. Survival prospects are worse.
16 In+care Campaign Focus on Retention Benefits of Good Retention Visit – Resources Tab to review studies on need for and benefits of retention. Likely to have better health outcomes [improved CD4 count, suppressed viral load, fewer hospital admissions or emergency room visits] Greater life expectancies. What are the benefits of being in regular HIV care? Simply “showing up regularly” can improve health and survivability.
17 In+care Campaign Focus on Retention We Need to – Want to Do Better The goal of the in+care Campaign is to bring patients back to care and keep others from falling out of care.
18 In+care Campaign Focus on Retention Additional Questions: Contact us a Visit Web site:
19 Challenges to Retention What Research Tells Us Retention Challenges Do not feel sick “Life” gets in the way Other health issues Little experience with routine health care Not enough help Clinic/system too complex Processes are confusing Not helpful at clinic Visit – Resources Tabwww.incarecampaign.org to learn about effective retention initiatives.
20 Challenges to Retention What Experience Tells Us Real Life Observations – “I’m not so sick. I don’t need to see a doctor, yet.” “I know I have an appointment but then I just can’t get there because I don’t have a way to get there.” “It just felt weird. They really don’t understand me at my clinic. I didn’t feel comfortable.”
21 Challenges to Retention How Can They Be Overcome Self-care – learning more Reaching out to others – peer- support, peer navigators, friends and family Tools – a ride, a meal, help with housing “Systems” that work with us by working with them Visit – Resources Tabwww.incarecampaign.org to learn about effective retention initiatives.
22 Partners in+care Purpose Successful results in HIV care depend upon partnership between consumers and their providers. So does the in+care Campaign.
23 Partners in+care Overview Increase Knowledge Web “Hub” Nat’l+Network Webinars Exchange/Engage Self Care Peer-to-Peer Engage in QI
24 Partners in+care Web Hub Click the Partner Tab
25 Partners in+care Web Hub
26 Partners in+care Webinar Series Retention: Be the Ones to Make It Happen – March 29 [repeat session] It Starts with You: Self-care and Retention – April 19 Sharing the Benefits of Care: Reaching Out to Others – May 22 Making Retention Easier: Creating Systems that Work – June 29 Visit for schedule and information about participating in these webinars.
27 Partners in+care What We will Accomplish Create a network of 1000 consumers ready to be engaged in retention and QI. Identify 100 consumers ready to become QI leaders.
28 Partners in+care What We Will Accomplish Share what we know so we all get better at: Seeing our doctor and HIV care providers on a regular basis Reaching out and supporting others so they see their doctors and HIV care providers on a regular basis – especially those who are new to HIV care or who have stopped regular visits Making sure we all get the full benefit of care and treatment in order to improve our health
29 Partners in+care What We Will Accomplish - Next 1.Promote / Recruit Partners 2.Promote / Participate in Webinars
30 Partners In+care Campaign
31 Sign up to be a Partner! Campaign Headquarters: National Quality Center (NQC) 90 Church Street, 13 th floor New York, NY Phone incareCampaign.org