DECEMBER 11, 2014 Office of Consumer Partnerships Webinar
Agenda New OCP members WAC progress BHO transition website Employment updates: Melodie Pazolt Advocacy and Leadership Conference Peer specialist development Peer support program changes
OCP Membership Jennifer Bliss, Senior Manager Bonnie Staples-peer support administrator Wanda Johns - mental health MeLinda Trujillo-chemical dependency Julian Theodoro-mental health Patty King-family liaison Lorrin Gehring-youth liaison Eric Osborne-chemical dependency Paula Larson-mental health
WAC WAC went out to stakeholders who requested to be reviewers 2. DBHR has reviewed comments and made a number of changes 3. Final draft is being completed, with some remaining research and decisions to be made 4. Next step: DBHR’s draft will be filed and public hearings scheduled.
Employment-BEST BEST is a five year SAMHSA grant to pilot an employment project in Grant and Clark County. There will be federal assistance, a statewide trainer and provider training. The BEST project will also create an advanced training for all peer counselors which will be included on the peer support website.
Supported Employment-Ticket to Work All Medicaid beneficiaries between are eligible ticket holders. Ticket holders may “assign” their tickets to an Employment Network Aging and Disability Services has recently been approved as a Network. Networks help with finding and maintaining employment. Assigning tickets to ADS brings federal money to reinvest in employment programs.
Ticket to Work If you are in North Sound, King County, or Southwest RSNs, you may begin assigning your ticket there. For more information: Ticket Training Webinar: tutorials/index.html. tutorials/index.html Other Information: tutorials/index.htmlhttp:// tutorials/index.html.
BHO Transition Website (Or go to DBHR website under Improving Care) -review of November meeting -review of new regions -how to get more direct information
Advocacy and Leadership Conference 2 day conference for peers, likely in April Sessions will focus both on skills and on topics for advocacy, such as: -Housing -Peer support -Criminal justice -Sustaining recovery in integration -What other key issues? There will be opportunities for networking and developing projects Suggestions for leaders and volunteers for organizing are needed!
Peer Support Development WSU Peer Support Contract DBHR Request for Proposals for Peer Counseling training WSU children’s team contract This is a period where we are developing contracts to do peer support trainings
When Will We Know… About training schedule When a training organization is selected, a schedule will be developed, between Feb-Mar Trainings local RSNs schedule will be on website Family/Youth trainings will be on website About Tests Tests are scheduled following trainings
When will I know… When I can get into a training? DBHR can’t predict this. Names of eligible people are sent to trainers and invitations are sent from that point, based on priority. If you have an acceptance letter, please do not call DBHR about this question. My test scores? You will receive a letter. The trainer is also sent scores. Please do not call DBHR requesting scores
Curriculum The current plan is to take some of the written material out of the manual and create an online section. The online part will be completed before the class. The class will focus more on activities and practice
Curriculum We are receiving help from SAMHSA with development We have researched a number of other states, curriculum designers, mh and cd consultants, universities and online designers (for Articulate Storyline). Plan will be place by end of December Peer support curriculum ad hoc group will develop process for feedback and participation
Peer Support Changes-Applications Beginning next year, people will send their applications directly to the trainers-DBHR will no longer take applications When trainings are posted, you can send your applications to as many trainings as you prefer Trainers will also receive list from current database This change will take place gradually and people will be told ahead of time!
Family/Youth People hired for WISe teams must take the Family/Youth training—there will be 7 trainings Other parents may choose either training The family/youth manual will be posted by the end of December Both applications may have minor changes next year— asking for clearer explanation of parent/guardian or parent role in the mh system
Jobs The OCP sends RSN lists of trained peer specialist when requested. They often sent out s when there are a number of jobs See if your RSN has a mailing list Look on and other job sites Ask agencies (and volunteer at agencies!) Northwest Seeds of Change website Ask other peer specialists
Thank you for participating!!