CREATE Differentiate your company with consistent, professional and video capable proposals in minutes. Create templates for your markets and services for quick proposal creation.
MANAGE See exactly what bids your reps have out with our proposal life cycle tracking and stay informed with real-time updates and pipeline overviews. Custom integration with CRM systems are available.
TRACK See exactly what your client viewed, when and how long they looked at it. Allow your Salesforce to focus and improve their selling on what your clients are interested in.
NEW FEATURES ANALYTICS See exactly what your client viewed, and when and how long they looked at it
NEW FEATURES VIDEO The ability to upload a video or flash file right into your proposal document
NEW FEATURES TEMPLATE Easily customize cover & thank you letters with populated fields for quick consistent templates E-BROCHURE Send company information to your potential clients quickly before you get to a proposal and track what they’re interested in
Please call or to schedule your very own webinar demo or for more information.