AAE 556 Aeroelasticity Lecture 28, 29,30-Unsteady aerodynamics 1 Purdue Aeroelasticity
What we have Purdue Aeroelasticity 2 … and, what we want … or, better yet
What we will have at the end A 2x2 set of equations of motion that describe wing response due to a harmonic force input A set of aerodynamic coefficients that describe the lift and moment and include the lags in the development of the lift and moment The math necessary to assign some really hairy HW Purdue Aeroelasticity 3
What so hard about that? Some goals Understand unsteady aerodynamics and the mathematics required to represent it Understand why we need harmonic motion assumptions make the equations of motion development and the stability analysis easier Purdue Aeroelasticity 4
Point #1 – As an airfoil (a 2D section) rotates 1) a vortex attached to the ¼ chord develops; 2) a counter-vortex builds and is shed downstream; 3) lift is created 5 Purdue Aeroelasticity
For flutter work we conveniently assume that the wing oscillates harmonically – why? Pressures on an oscillating airfoil depend on the strength of the “bound” vortex and the location of shed vortices in the airfoil wake. All of them must be tracked. 6 Purdue Aeroelasticity
What’s the big deal? 1. For general motion, computation of “unsteady” lift requires keeping track of shed vortices position and strength forever 2. Forces and motion depend on the history of the motion itself –Tracking this leads to really complicated math 3. The alternative is to assume that the motion is harmonic 7 Purdue Aeroelasticity The flow will have a memory of how much the structure has deformed and how fast it has deformed. The buzz word is “hereditary.”
Now comes the fun – The mathematics of the problem – Wagner’s function predicts the lift does not after a sudden increase in airfoil angle of attack qSC L s=Vt/b=Vt/(c/2) V “nondimensional time” 8 Purdue Aeroelasticity
But first – define the lift components and airfoil geometry – positive lift is directed downward 9 Purdue Aeroelasticity e=b/2+baLift per unit length, l Plunge displacement, h
Moment components and airfoil geometry 10 Purdue Aeroelasticity
We will begin our analysis by forcing the airfoil system with a sinusoidal force applied at the shear center 11 Purdue Aeroelasticity Solutions with phase lags
What’s a phase lag? Because of delays between motion and force there is a phase difference between when deformation amplitude reaches its maximum and when the lift and aerodynamic moment reach theirs In the case shown, lags h by 90 degrees. Purdue Aeroelasticity 12
Phase lag definition Phase is the difference in time between two events such as the zero crossing of two waveforms, or the time between a reference and the peak of a waveform. The phase is expressed in degrees Also it is the time between two events divided by the period (also a time), times 360 degrees. 13 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Phase relationships between displacement, velocity, acceleration Cosine (velocity) “leads” sine motion by 90 degrees; it reaches its max before sine does. Acceleration leads displacement by 180 degrees 14 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Complex numbers represent harmonic motion as a rotating vector (a +ib) tt 15 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Displacement, velocity and acceleration represented as rotating vectors tt 16 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Generalized, harmonic aero forces – Theodorsen’s coefficients to describe lift and moment lift expressions - lift/unit length terminology for our airfoil system displacements (b*a=position of the shear center aft of airfoil mid-chord) 17 Purdue Aeroelasticity
There are two lift coefficients they are complex numbers to model phase lags C(k)=Theodorsen’s Circulation Function models the time delays 18 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Theodorsen's circulation function C(k) is a complex number that determines the lag between h and oscillation and lift development – lift always lags motion 1/k F -G 19 Purdue Aeroelasticity
An approximation to C(k) this was important before MATLAB 1/k F -G 20 Purdue Aeroelasticity
This lift expression looks strange; where is the dynamic pressure? 21 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Insert the k, the reduced frequency, and … 22 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Each lift term has a physical meaning “steady-state lift” - why? 1) inertia term 2) damping term 3) steady state term 23 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Lift terms are classed as either in-phase or out of phase – out of phase terms are called aerodynamic damping in phase terms damping is out of phase 24 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Forced response equations of motion divide by mb 25 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Final equation with harmonic force applied at the shear center 26 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Compute only the steady-state harmonic response- not the transients “known” aero forces due to motion applied externally 27 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Forces and Equations of Motion harmonic, steady state, different phasing between forces, moments and motion 28 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Harmonic aero force 29 Purdue Aeroelasticity xx
Equations Of Motion 30 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Final EOM is known because we pre-select it 31 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Generate the moment equilibrium equation about the shear center with force applied at the shear center aero moment about shear center Divide by 32 Purdue Aeroelasticity
nondimensionalize 33 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Moment equation 34 Purdue Aeroelasticity
More definitions See slide #8 35 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Moment equilibrium equation 36 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Matrix eq. equations are complex Forced response - find amplitudes in response to input 37 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Matrix eq. equations are complex Forced response - find amplitudes in response to input 38 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Matrix eq. equations are complex Forced response - find displacement amplitudes in response to input 39 Purdue Aeroelasticity
40 Locating resonance points frequency airspeed Purdue Aeroelasticity
The flutter problem – a complex eigenvalue with flutter frequency and airspeed unknown Purdue Aeroelasticity 41
Purdue Aeroelasticity 42 Example calculation = 20
Purdue Aeroelasticity 43 Elements of the determinant
One way of solving for flutter Theodorsen’s Method Purdue Aeroelasticity 44 Use the quadratic formula to solve for the frequency ratio
Real and imaginary aero Purdue Aeroelasticity 45
Solve for crossing points Purdue Aeroelasticity 46 1/k=V/ b