Sector San Francisco
Definitions Letter of Warning (LOW): An enforcement action in the form of a written notice of an apparent violation. The use of warnings saves staff hours while still educating the public about federal laws and regulations. If the responsible party refuses the warning the USCG initiates the next level of enforcement. LOW are only used for minor offenses. Notice of Violation (NOV): All laws and regulations enforced by the USCG that contain a civil penalty ($) are eligible for NOVs. A thorough investigation must be completed before an NOV can be issued. NOVs are designed to provide the responsible party with timely notification of the alleged violation(s) and the proposed monetary penalty.
Sector San Francisco USCG Sector San Francisco Regional Response Team 9 November 2012
Sector San Francisco Incident Management Stats ReportsLOWsNOVs Civil Penalties Federal Cases
Sector San Francisco Federal Case Stats Federal Project Number / TitleMER Cost Per Gal A Oakland Est. TUG RESPECT $3k for assessment, No POL found ( restricted assessment due to safety concerns ) A12035–Oakland Est. TUG HERBERT$2k for assessment, No POL found A Oakland Est. Union Pt Park Tug$3k for assessment, No POL found A Oakland Est. Sunken Tug$2k for assessment, No POL found TUG RESPECT TUG HERBERT Union Pt Park Tug
Sector San Francisco CASE UPDATE October 2011, Richmond, CA Sunken Tug Tiger & Tug Lion, FPN: A12002/03 October 1, Submitted final Report to EPA and received approval for decontamination and removal of last storage tanks from the pier. IMD will submit cost documentation to NPFC. Federal Case Federal Project Number / TitleMER Cost Per Gal A12002 – TUG LION261k / 35,452 gal = 7.36 A12003 – TUG TIGER2.5m / 77,630 gal = 32.20
Sector San Francisco Case of Interest - NOV July 26, Bethel Island A 30-ft recreational vessel sank in Piper Slough near Bethel Island. IMD arrived on scene to find the vessel actively discharging gasoline. The owner hired Vessel Assist but they were unable to help until the following morning. Approximately 140 gallons were discharged. Notice of Violation was issued.
Sector San Francisco Case of Interest - NOV July 27, Moss Landing While conducting routine maintenance on board M/V REEL JOY, the engineer noticed that there was diesel fuel leaking from the generator. It was then discharged into the harbor via the automatic bilge pump before he could secure them. Approximately 20 gallons of diesel was discharged. The cause of the leak was determined to be a cracked fuel line. Notice of Violation was issued.
Sector San Francisco Case of Interest - NOV August 10, Berth 68 Oakland, CA SS LURLINE While transferring fuel additive from a 55- gallon drum, a small amount of additive spilled on the deck and discharged into the bay through a partially plugged scupper. Matson Navigation hired NRC to investigate but by the time they got on scene the sheen had dissipated. Notice of Violation was issued.
Sector San Francisco Case of Interest - CIV August 24, Bodega Bay A 35-ft fishing vessel SEA BISCUIT ran aground south of Doran Beach The vessel broke-up and approx gallons of diesel was released National Marine Sanctuary hired Parker Diving to remove the debris The case has been submitted for Civil Penalty (3 rd incident, same location, same operator)
Sector San Francisco Case of Interest - NOV September 10 Chevron Refinery, Richmond, CA While conducting maintenance work on the Chevron Long Wharf, oil was discharged into a corroded sump line which resulted in approximately one gallon of residual oil being discharged into the bay. This was their third spill incident since Notice of Violation was issued.
Sector San Francisco Federal Cases & Cases of Interest: Assessment of Vessels July/August : Richardson’s Bay SEC SF IMD personnel and CAL F&G conducted assessments of numerous vessels in Richardson’s Bay. Assessment evaluated condition of vessel and if there was hazardous materials or oil on board. 19 vessels were evaluated and identified as potential concerns. As a preventative measure, IMD started a task force with the goal of identifying vessels which may pose an environmental threat or appear to be abandoned, so that proper notification and action can be taken to prevent a potential discharge in the future.
Sector San Francisco Federal Cases & Cases of Interest: Assessment of Vessels, continued July/August : Richardson’s Bay 19 vessels were evaluated and identified as potential concerns: Sector SF created a file for each with photos, owner information (if known), and noted the hazards and potential oil on board. Orange CG Stickers requesting owners to communicate with us were applied. If we don't get any response from owner we will add the boat to the abandoned vessel list. We also provided the list to the local Harbor Masters to keep an eye on those vessels. These efforts don't necessarily solve our problems with abandoned/derelict vessels but at least we now have important information in the event something happens with one of these vessels.
Sector San Francisco Case of Interest August 22, Oakland Outer Harbor The M/V ELBELLA while moored at the Ports America facility reported that a container onboard was leaking a hazardous product originally identified as an eye-lash glue. The facility ceased operations while clean-up operations were conducted. The facility hired NRC to remove the container from the vessel and decontaminate both the vessel and the container. The container and one beneath it were decontaminated. After further testing it was discovered that the leaked product was an industrial soap.
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