Chemistry Chapter 22 Hydrocarbons Notes #1
Organic Chemistry Branch of Chemistry “organic” –Scientists used to think that only animals or plants could produce these substances Scientists can now create “organic” compounds in labs without any help from plants or animal products Carbon Chemistry!
Hydrocarbons Composed of only C and H Carbons are all linked together in a “Carbon Chain” The Hydrogen's are “Terminal Atoms” –Attached to the carbons Review – parts of nucleus How many bonds can carbon make? Hydrogen? Type of bond between 2 C’s, 2 H’s, or C & H?
Representing Molecules Molecular Formula –Ex. CH 4 –Ex. H 2 O Structural/ Lewis Formula Ball & Stick Model Space Filling Model
Alkanes Hydrocarbons where all C’s are making bonds with 4 other atoms –Saturated Hydrocarbons Ea. C is bonded to max # of atoms Molecular Formula for Alkanes –C n H 2n +2 –“n” = the # of C’s in the chain
Alkanes Prefixes 1. Meth- 2. Eth- 3. Prop- 4. But- 5. Pent- Page 700…. 6. Hex- 7. Hept- 8. Oct- 9. Non- 10. Dec-
Alkanes Straight Chain Alkanes –Each C is only bonded to one or 2 other C’s –Put pencil down and draw a line through it –Examples:
Alkanes Branched Chain Alkanes –At least one C is bonded to at least 3 other C’s –Also called “ISOMERS” Same formula = different shape = different properties Naming them –Longest straight chain (pencil line) –Name attachments –Methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl…etc…