Primary Science Matters Day 3 – Session 10 Presentations & professional learning
Focus questions for the presentations What do the presentations say about 1.Effective student learning in science? 2.Ways that can be used to assess science? 3.How we can address contemporary science issues? 4.How we explicitly or implicitly teach the nature of science? 5.What is helpful in planning a science curriculum? 6.How teachers can build their confidence with difficult science content?
Professional Learning What does this mean? What form can it take? What will be evidence of professional learning? Will it make a difference to your practice?
Professional Learning What does this mean? How do you make science teaching interesting for teachers who do not like science? How do you address your own science knowledge in our finite time or turn difficult science theories into kid-friendly language? What form can it take? Journals, Learning logs, portfolios, blogs, wikkis, posters, annotated diagrams (concept maps/mind maps, venn diagrams) & cartoons. What will be evidence of professional learning? Evidence that articulates your thinking and how such thinking has progressed & grown. You will need to gather data as it occurs and look for patterns and trends so that you can back up statements you make about your progress/growth in learning. Will it make a difference to your practice? This is really up to you. However, if you have evidence to back up statements that you make about your learning and likewise for your own students’ learning, then it makes it very difficult for other to refute your statements