PSYA3 Mock Exam Feedback Miss Heaton
Working out your results… Pink writing = your actual results for this paper. Blue writing = what your results would have looked like at this point if we still had January exams. You need to work out how far you were from your target both on this paper, and overall. How did you do?
What should you have done? Discuss the role of endogenous pacemakers in the control of one or more biological rhythms. (8 marks + 16 marks) AO1 – Examples of EPs e.g. SCN, pineal gland etc. – Mechanisms underlying the interaction between EP and EZ such as light – The interaction between EP and EZ in the control and fine tuning of biological rhythms – Studies such as Siffre which illustrate the role of EPs – The key focus is the ROLE of EPs (basic otherwise)
What should you have done? Discuss the role of endogenous pacemakers in the control of one or more biological rhythms. AO2 – MRI structure (8 is ideal, but aim for at least 5!!!) – At least 1 IDA point (in context of question only!) – Research evidence e.g. Morgan - mutant hamsters, De Coursey - chipmunks, Aschoff and Wever etc – Clear links to the question at end of each paragraph – Very thorough implications – Psychological language – Methodological criticisms of research (linked to question) – Evaluation of the ROLE of EPs in controlling biological rhythms
What should you have done? Discuss research into the breakdown of romantic relationships. (8 marks + 16 marks) AO1 – Rollie and Duck’s processes model. – Lee’s stages model – Duck’s 3 causes – Social Exchange/Equity theory – Other maintenance theories where appropriate
What should you have done? Discuss research into the breakdown of romantic relationships. (8 marks + 16 marks) AO2 – MRI structure (8 is ideal, but aim for at least 5!!!) – At least 1 IDA point (in context of question only!) – Research evidence e.g. Femlee, Tashiro and Frazier – Issues e.g. social sensitivity, cultural bias, real-life application etc – Clear links to the question at end of each paragraph – Very thorough implications – Psychological language – Methodological criticisms of research (linked to question) – Evaluation of the research findings/models themselves
Ways to boost your marks AO1 8 marks If the question says “research” it means theory and/or study If the question says “theory” then 0 marks are awarded for studies Marks are awarded for volume of key concepts explained well Appropriate and accurate description will get lots of marks AO2 16 marks Evaluation won’t get many marks unless it is appropriate and used effectively Appropriate AO2 means AO2 comments that are very specifically relevant to this question. Taking generic AO2 such as ‘determinism’ or ‘reductionism’ do not gain many marks unless they particularly apply to this question Using AO2 in an effective way means showing the examiner that you see the point of why you have included the comment, and what it means If AO1 is “theory”, studies will be AO2 If AO1 is “research”, AO2 will be studies, methodology or IDA Methodology is only creditworthy if relevance to theory is explained.
Moving up the mark scheme AO2 Four bands X Rudimentary X X Basic X Reasonable Sound X Rudimentary X X Basic X Reasonable Sound How to get there Implications of your AO2 points make it “reasonable” Linking your implication back to the question and the point you have made make it “Sound” Implications of your AO2 points make it “reasonable” Linking your implication back to the question and the point you have made make it “Sound”
You will now forget EVERYTHING you think you know about writing essays… Well not really, but writing essays for marks in Psychology is not the same as in other subjects. The key to making sure you get the marks is following a formula. Boring, yes, but effective too! It is easy to do and means you are much more likely to pick up all the marks you deserve!!!
The not-so-secret formula AO1 all in one section Clear signpost for AO2 e.g. “in evaluation” MRI for AO2 Implication – signposted e.g. “this suggests” Link back to point and question Line between each MRI Signpost for new MRI e.g. “on the other hand”, “in addition” etc.
Signposting for the examiner Make it clear what part of the question you are answering: – “One theory for breakdown of romantic relationships is…” – Start AO2 section with “In evaluation” or similar. – Each MRI point should actually make a point which you will refer back to in your implication – Each MRI implication should have a key phrase e.g. “this suggests…” “this is important because” etc. – The reason why you have chosen to use your AO2 point must be clear e.g. “this is a strength of the theory because…”
A good example On the other hand, there is research to argue that EPs have a larger influence on controlling circadian rhythms. Morgan created mutant hamsters with Circadian rhythms of 20 hours rather than the normal 24 hours. He placed the SCNs from the mutant hamsters into normal hamsters which then began to display 20 hour circadian rhythms. The SCN is an EP and was the only factor that was changed to the normal hamsters, therefore must have caused the change in circadian cycle length. Therefore the role of EPs have greater importance than EZs as a change in the SCN (an EP) can alter Circadian rhythms, even when EZs are not restricted.
For every essay try to do the following… Structure 1 chunk of AO1 at the beginning. Lots of descriptive detail Separate AO2 section in clear MRI paragraphs. Key terms Focus on the question! Signpost so that the examiner knows what you are trying to do!!! Content As a minimum: – 1 study in support – 1 study to refute (or 2 either) – 1 methodological criticism – 1 IDA – 1 real-life application Implications Links to point and question
Putting it into practice… Now take a look at your worst essay Using the information we have just covered, try to implement this in a re-write. You don’t need to write the whole thing out, just use your green pen to make alterations