E XPLANATION AND A RGUMENTATION IN S CIENCE Sara Dozier Integrated Middle School Science Partnership Date
Questions and Concerns Find your green half-sheet – “IMSS Summer Institute Formative Assessment” On the “1 st Session” side of the sheet, please answer the first question only!
Appropriate Arguments Discuss this question with an elbow partner and be ready to share with the whole group When should a student use arguments? 1.To refute claims made by other students. 2.To defend their claims, designs, and questions. 3.Science is about evidence and reasoning so students should never argue. 4.To prove a point.
Explanation and Argument The Framework says: Reasoning from evidence produces scientific knowledge. Requires scientists to justify claims. Other scientists respond – identify the claim’s weaknesses and limitations – obtain the best possible explanation.
Explain vs. Argue Explanation: How (or why) phenomena occur – Use evidence (primary or secondary data) to support a claim – Connect evidence to claim with reasoning Argumentation Defending or Critiquing explanations by: – Ruling out alternative explanations – Building the case that data is sufficient and appropriate
Scientific Argumentation Why do scientists engage in argumentation? When do scientists engage in argumentation?
Scientific Argumentation Scientists engage in argument to critique or defend: – Claims using evidence and reasoning – Models using evidence – The interpretation of data – Experimental designs – A method of data analysis – The appropriateness of a question – Other ideas?
Science is Iterative ExplanationArgumentation Construct Explanation Critique/Defend Explanation Identify Weaknesses in Explanation Revise Explanation
Progression of Practice Read the progression for Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions Where are your students right now? If you were to choose one bullet point to focus on advancing, which would it be and why? How could you move one of your average students up to the next grade band?
Progression of Practice Read the progression for Engaging in Argument from Evidence Where are your students right now? If you were to choose one bullet point to focus on advancing, which would it be and why? How could you move one of your average students up to the next grade band?
Thank You Please finish today’s exit slip GREEN! GREEN! – On “1 st Session” side, answer second question and add any comments Stay in this room for Science in the Real World session