This is English 1 Unit 16 At the doctor’s
Objectives 目标 Language relating to the body 语言 关于 身体 Illness and remedies 疾病 和 治疗 Giving instructions 给 指示 Giving advice 给 忠告
Activity 1 p Head 头 2.Neck 脖子 3.Eyes 眼睛 (pl.) 4.Mouth 嘴 5.Throat 喉咙 6.Nose 鼻子 7.Ear 耳朵 8.tooth 牙齿 (teeth, pl.) 9.Heart 心脏 10.Back 背 11.Chest 胸部 12.Stomach 胃 13.Legs 腿 14.Knee 膝盖 15.Foot 脚 (feet, pl.)
Activity 3: Part Ap198 1.B 2.J 3.G 4.E 5.N 6.H 7.A 8.F 9.K 10.C 11.L 12.I 13.D 14.m
Expression: illness(p199) I’ve got (a/an)+ 疼痛名
Activity 3: Part B 1.I’ve got a headache. 2.I’ve got earache. 3.I’ve got toothache. 4.I’ve got stomachache. 5.I’ve got backache. 6.I’ve got a sore throat. 7.I’ve got a runny nose.
8.I’ve got a bad chest. 9.I’ve got a cough. 10.I’ve got an infection. 11.I’ve got a pain. 12.I’ve got flu. 13.I’ve got a cold. 14.I’ve got a temperature.
Expression: illness(p200) 询问: What’s the matter? I’ve got a cold… How do you feel? I feel awful/terrible/ill…
How are you feeing? I am feeling better/well…
Activity 5 p200 What’s the matter? I’m not feeling well. I think I’ve got flu. Have you got a temperature?
Yes, and backache and a sore throat. I’m sorry. David has got a cold too, and he’s got bad earache. Oh dear! how is Mark feeling?
He’s got a bad chest and a pain in his throat – he thinks it’s an infection. Oh no. I’m not coming to work today!
Activity 6 : feel/feeling … 1.I’m not feeling well. I’ve got a cough. 2.I’m not feeling well. I’ve got a sore throat. 3.I’m not feeling well. I’ve got a temperature. 4.I’m not feeling well. I’ve got a bad headache. 5.I’m not feeling well. I’ve got toothache.
Activity 7 p201 1.She’s feeling awful. She’s got backache. 2.He isn’t/is not feeling well. He’s got stomachache. 3.She’s feeling terrible. She’s got earache. 4.He’s feeling really ill. He’s got a pain in the eye.
Review 复习 Verbs that take two objects(p205) 双宾语动词(尤其注意介词的搭配) 两种表达方式 V+ sb (间接宾语) +sth (直接宾语) or 或 V + sth +pre. (介词) + sb
Activity 8 ( P202) 1.Tell your age to the doctor/ tell the doctor your age. 2.Take the letter to the hospital doctor./take the hospital doctor the letter. 3.Send the report to the nurse. /send the nurse the report. 4.Give the thermometre to the doctor/ give the doctor the thermometre.
Expressions: illnesses 1 身体某部位 +Hurt (p204) My ear hurts. 我耳朵疼。 = I’ve got earache. My leg hurts. 我腿疼。 2 身体某部位 + ache/be painful My back aches. = I’ve got a backache.= My back is painful. 我背疼。 3 I’ve got/have a pain in 身体某部位 I’ve got a pain in my chest = my chest is painful. 4 动词 (p204) 主 +cough (咳嗽) /sneeze (打喷嚏) The children are coughing and sneezing.
Activity 9 Local doctor 地方医生 Examine 检查 a surgery 诊所(室) Treatment 治疗 Medicine 药 Tablets 药片 Prescription 处方 Dosage 药剂量
Activity 10 p203 1.No, they usually go to a local doctor. 2.No. they have to register. 3.They fill in a form and the doctor examines them. 4.No. they often work in groups. 5.No, it is free. 6.Yes, they do. 7.No. the doctors are often busy. 8.No. they can see a nurse.
Activity 11 p203 1.receptionist 接诊处 2.nurse 诊所 4.treat 医治 6.examines 7.medicine 8.tablets 药片 9.prescription 处方 10.dosage 用药量
Activity 15 p205 1.He’s got an ache in his stomach. 2.He’s got a bad cough. 3.Their chests are painful. 4.My tooth hurts. 5.His ear hurts. 6.Her leg is painful. 7.I’ve got a pain in my eyes. 8.His ear aches.
expressions You should go to bed and sleep. You should drinks lots of water and juice. You shouldn’t eat very much. You need to rest. Should I take some medicine? You need to reduce your temperature, so you should take some aspirins, but you don’t need to take other medicine. When should I go back to work? Should I make another appointment? You don’t need to come back if you are better.
Giving instructions(p206) 指令及劝告 1 You need to/you don’t need to 需要 / 不需要 You need to reduce your temperature. 你 得 减低 你的 体温。 You don’t need to take other medicine. 你 不用 吃 其他 药。 2 Imperative 祈使句 Come in. Sit down, please. 近来。 坐下, 请。 Don’t go to work. 别 去 上班。
3 Should/shouldn’t ( 不 ) 应该 You should go to bed. 你 应该 上床(休息)。 You shouldn’t eat very much. 你 不该 吃 太 多。 Should I take some medicine? 应该 我 吃 些 药 吗? When should I go to work? 什么时候应该我去上班?
Should 和 can 一样,是情态动词。由其构成的 句子结构是: 主语 + 情态动词 + 动词原形 I should/should not (shouldn’t) go to bed. 其问句形式是将情态动词放在主语前面。例如: When should I go to work? Should I take any medicines?
Activity 18 p206 1.You shouldn’t smoke or drink alcohol the day before. 2.You should go to bed early the day before. 3.You shouldn’t exercise too much in the morning. 4.You need to exercise a little in the morning. 5.Don’t eat a big meal before the match. 6.Have a light lunch. 7.Drink a lot of water and juice. 8.You don’t need to drive to the match. 9.Enjoy the game!
Activity 19 p207 ① should ② needs ③ shouldn’t ④ shouldn’t ⑤ needs ⑥ should ⑦ needs ⑧ need ⑨ need