What’s Your Future?
Directions Read each question and answer CAREFULLY! Choose the best answer. Click on the answer to go to the next question.
What is your favorite color? A.BlueBlue B.PinkPink C.YellowYellow
What kind of car do you drive? A.A sexy beastA sexy beast B.A humpty dumptyA humpty dumpty C.GrandmasGrandmas
How tall are you? A.ShortShort B.MediumMedium C.TallTall
Where do you live? A.ApartmentApartment B.HouseHouse C.OtherOther
Do you like pets? No No Yes Yes Sometimes Sometimes
What kind of shoe are you? Sexy stiletto Sexy stiletto Comfy Sneeks Comfy Sneeks Barefoot please Barefoot please
WOW Your destined to live in a tree house far far away!
High Class You my friend are going to marry rich and never see a K- mart again
Mommy Life for you You are going to have 18 children, 3 cats, 6 dogs, 1 bird, and 1 turtle. Smile