Target Systems and Monolith Design Update Rikard Linander Group Leader Monolith and Handling April 2, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Target Systems and Monolith Design Update Rikard Linander Group Leader Monolith and Handling April 2, 2014

Target systems design update Schematic for Target Primary Cooling System 2

Target systems design update Studies of increased pressure Pressure 3.6 bar and 20˚C in target wheel inlet (TDR case) Advantages – Lower design pressure for the target wheel shroud – Easier to design seals and to limit helium leakages Disadvantages – High volume flow at modest pressure head; Standard compressors available are limited Larger pipe and pipe fitting dimensions needed to keep the flow speed and pressure drops at desired level, e.g. pipe diameters 250 mm on cold side and 300 mm on hot side Larger components in general, e.g. heat exchangers, filters Pressure drop through the whole circuit relatively high thus higher fraction of fluid flow energy converted to heat – High relative compressor head (Δp/p), leading to high compressor power – The use of 20˚C as inlet temperature makes energy recovery difficult 3

Target systems design update Studies of increased pressure Proposed pressure 7.0 bar and 40˚C in target wheel inlet Advantages – Lower volume flow; Smaller pipe and pipe fitting dimensions can be used, e.g. pipe diameters 300 mm on cold side and 400 mm on hot side More standard compressors available Smaller components in general, e.g. heat exchangers, filters Pressure drop through the whole circuit lower – Lower relative compressor head (Δp/p), which makes provisions for lower power need – Increasing the inlet temperature to 40˚C facilitates energy recovery, i.e. more of the removed heat can be transferred to the district heating Disadvantages – Higher design pressure for the target wheel shroud – Higher requirements on seals design 4

Target systems design update Studies of increased pressure 5 At 3 & 4 bar ”Δ” the diameter needs to be 300mm on the cold side and at least 400mm on the hot side compared to 250mm and 300 mm respectively at 6 & 7 bar ”o”. m/s bar

Target systems design update Studies of pressure increase and modified flow path 6 Motivation: – More uniform temperature – Reduce the thermal stress in the shroud – Higher pressure for lower power consumption Proposal: – Double wall shroud – Feeding with helium through the shroud – Same tungsten arrangement as the TDR design (S-shape)

Target systems design update Studies of pressure increase and modified flow path Constraints – Avoid stagnation point at the BEW – Machinability Criteria: – Low pressure loss – Low temperature (in the shroud and in the tungsten slabs) – RCC-MRx design criteria 7 Helium flow in one wheel sector

Target systems design update Studies of pressure increase and modified flow path Current status: – Different pressure analysed (6.5 bar  13 bar) – Pressure loss 0.7  0.35 bar – Tungsten temperature ≈370˚C (bulk) ≈280˚C (surface) – Shroud temperature Full shroud: ≈250˚C Outer skin: ≈160˚C 8

Monolith systems design update On-going work Focus on the beam extraction system in close collaboration with NSS – Requirement specification – Layout and design – Handling scheme for beam guide inserts from the experimental halls Elaboration of concepts for the monolith permanent bulk steel shielding and vessel/liner, in terms of – Manufacturing – Transport and logistics – Lifting and installation – Tolerances and alignment – Material requirements 9

Monolith systems design update Potential design modifications Modification of diameter from 12 to 11 m Using external instead of internal light shutters Change of handling scheme for MR plug (ref. talk by R. Linander) – Evaluation of one-axis versus two-axis handling solutions – Dependent on moderator concept decision by end of April In case of elimination of the lower moderator and reflector parts, the space beneath the wheel may be considered to be used for (ref. talk by Luca Zanini) – Through-going instrument tube – Lead fast neutron reflector – Fast neutron irradiation port or module Replacement of external shutters via the basement rooms 10

Monolith systems design update 12 m diameter and internal light shutters (TDR) 11 Concrete curtain Removable T-beams Monolith foundation Instrument shielding Monolith vessel Monolith bulk shielding Monolith removable/water cooled steel shielding Neutron beam guide inserts Neutron beam window Light shutter, internal to monolith

Monolith systems design update 11 m diameter and external light shutters (optional) 12 Monolith shield wall (poured concrete wall) Monolith shield wall (poured concrete wall) Removable T-beams Monolith foundation Instrument shielding Monolith vessel Monolith bulk shielding Monolith removable/water cooled steel shielding Neutron beam guide inserts Neutron beam window Light shutter, external to monolith

Monolith systems design update Utilisation of basement rooms 13

Monolith systems design update Optional replacement scheme for external shutters 14