Review & Preview Ch. 11 Ch. 10: Emotional & Social Development in Middle Childhood Erikson’s Theory: Industry vs. Inferiority Self development: self concept and self-esteem Achievement related attributions: mastery-oriented & learned helplessness Peer groups & peer acceptance Gender Identity Ch. 11: Physical & Cognitive Development in Adolescence Conceptions of adolescence Puberty Health issues Piaget’s Theory: Formal Operations Information Processing Consequences of adolescent cognitive development Learning in school
Quiz 12 1. Erikson was the first to recognize __________ as the major personality achievement of adolescence. a. intimacy b. rationality c. self-esteem d. identity 2. Match each identity status with its appropriate description. ______ Commitment to values and goals without A. Identity achievement exploration B. Identity moratorium ______ Exploration of alternatives without having C. Identity foreclosure reached commitment D. Identity diffusion ______ Commitment to beliefs and goals following a period of exploration ______ An apathetic state lacking both exploration and commitment
Quiz 12 con’t 3. When confronted with the Heinz dilemma, 14-year-old Andrew reasons, “Heinz should obey the law and not steal the medicine because if everybody just stole whenever they wanted, our whole society would break down.” According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, Andrew’s answer reflects __________. a. a postconventional level of moral reasoning b. a conventional level of moral reasoning c. the instrumental purpose orientation d. the universal ethical principle orientation In adolescence, gender intensification is stronger for (boys / girls).