Native Americans Economics Famous Americans Ancient Civilizations Final Jeopardy
10 This tribe lived in the Eastern Woodlands region. Answer
What is the Powhatan?
20 This tribe lived in the Plains region. Answer
What is the Sioux?
30 This tribe lived in the Southwest region. Answer
What is the Pueblo?
40 This tribe lived in teepees because they were easy to move from place to place. Answer
What is the Sioux?
50 The Powhatan Indians traveled by _________ and ___________. Answer
What is by foot and canoe?
60 Three jobs of the Pueblo Indians were: Answer
What are farming, hunting, and making pottery?
70 The “Three Sisters”. Answer
What are corn, squash, and beans?
80 The famous daughter of Chief Powhatan. Answer
Who is Pocahontas?
90 The Sioux built their homes out of this material. Answer
What is adobe (or clay)?
100 Native Americans are also known as ________. Answer
What is the First Americans?
10 The three types of resources. Answer
What are natural, capital, and human?
20 A person who uses resources to make goods or provide services for consumers. Answer
What is a producer?
30 Not being able to meet all wants at the same time. Answer
What is scarcity?
40 Answer A word for trading without using money. Answer
What is barter?
50 Five needs. Answer
What are food, water, shelter, and clothes?
60 A person who buys and uses goods and services. Answer
What is a consumer?
70 A computer is a ___________ resource. Answer
What is capital?
80 A doctor provides a ___________. Answer
What is service?
90 The opposite of a need. Answer
What is a want?
100 The two ways that people get goods or services. Answer
What is bartering and money?
10 The first President of the United States Answer
Who was George Washington?
20 Known as “Honest Abe” Answer
Who was Abraham Lincoln?
30 First African-American baseball player Answer
Who was Jackie Robinson?
40 Gave the famous speech that began with, “I have a dream………”. Answer
Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.?
50 Fought for the right for women to vote Answer
Who was Susan B. Anthony?
60 Answer The first deaf-blind person to graduate from college.
Who was Helen Keller?
70 Answer This holiday in February honors both Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.
What is Presidents Day?
80 Answer The writing/reading system That Helen Keller used.
What is braille?
90 Answer His birthday is celebrated in January.
Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.?
100 Answer Known as “The Father of Our Country”
Who is George Washington?
10 Egypt is located on this continent. Answer
What is Africa?
20 China is located on this continent. Answer
What is Asia?
30 Name three things invented by the Chinese. Answer
What are a kite, a compass, and fireworks?
40 The written language of the Egyptians. Answer
What are hieroglyphics?
50 Where the Great Wall is found. Answer
What is China?
60 A leader of China. Answer
What is an emperor?
70 A leader in Egypt. Answer
What is a pharaoh?
80 The place where many pharaohs are buried. Answer
What is the Valley of the Kings?
90 This river runs through Egypt. Answer
What is the Nile River?
100 This famous pharaoh became the leader of Egypt at the age of ten. Answer
Who is King Tut?
Final Jeopardy The five states bordering Virginia are: Answer
What are West Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Maryland, and Tennessee?