Little By Little Presentation by: Jenna Katlin, Keeley Utz, Maddie Geiger, Audrey Khan, Madison Bianco, Talia Thomas By: Jean Little ALL GROUP MEMBERS
Things You Should Know About Jean Her eyes Her Interests Where she has lived Her love for animals What she is doing now JK
Jean’s Difficulty With Her Eyes ●Jean has to deal with her eyesight difficulty throughout her whole life, and these are some examples: ●Biking, reading anything, playing sports, climbing, arts and crafts. ●Although Jean does have a lot of problems reading, reading was the most important thing for her during her childhood when she was bullied and helped her stay strong. MB
“Friends” Jane-Is not considered a friend, she makes fun of Jean. Shirley Russel-new girl, she acts sweet but rude to Jean Ruth and Stella-Both tell Jean that no one will be her friend if she cheats In most of her schools classmates were rude. AKA K
Jean’s reading and writing She got interested poetry when she was nine. she always loved reading. Jean wrote her first “book” or story when she was twelve. She now has written 44 children and picture books. She writes with a talking computer. TT