Thornhill School News Issue 5 Fri 5 th October News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Future Events Harvest Assembly 25 th October 2.30pm Halloween Bingo 6pm 25 th October News from Mrs Figes (Let’s talk is a focus for talk in and out of school. Pupils are expected to ask relatives and friends and to share their own views, with confidence) Who makes me laugh? What do I find funny? Let’s Talk…. Attendance: Next week: Zumba class every Wednesday pm in the school hall Mon – Sports’ club (£1) Governor’s meeting Tues – Infant Farm visit. Netball Club Wed – Open Day. Parents Evening. Dance club Thurs- Accelerated Reading, Recorder club Friday – Youth Club-Clay models Mon- Sports club (£1) Barnardos assembly. Tues- OFFICE CLOSED ALL DAY. Netball Club Wed- Dance Club Thurs- Accelerated Reading. Recorder club Fri- Youth Club- Clay models The children welcomed seeing some of the parents on Open Day, so thanks to those who could make it. This week we have made model Anderson Shelters, play dough for the infants and have begun to work on paintings to decorate the hall. Next week we will be looking at mosques in RE, in Science reversible and irreversible changes and in maths we will continue to explore addition and subtraction. We have been looking at the impact of World War Two on children this week. We have studied various texts featuring evacuated children and used to drama to gain an insight into this experience. Our ‘Big Write’ today has been to write a letter from an evacuated child. We have been trying to include references to the emotional impact of being so far from home. This week we have had a lot of fun! On Tuesday we went to Strudda Bank farm and saw cows, sheep and chickens.The farmer showed us how he looks after them all and we were allowed to collect some eggs from the hen house. In Literacy we read a story about a visit to a farm and we were able to describe the setting in great detail.
Newspaper reports Recent local newspaper coverage has revealed that finances for small schools will be reduced over the next few years. The fear is that falling finances will mean that many schools will face closure. As things stand this is not the case for Thornhill Primary. Any school closures will be many years in the making and there is no chance of Thornhill Primary closing in the near future. If you have any concerns about this, please speak to myself or a school Governor for reassurance. Open Day Thanks to the handful of parents who made it to our third Open Day. We know from speaking to parents that they learned a great deal about how the children are taught, now they that are in key stage classes. All the visitors were happy to see pupils working hard on differentiated activities, in small groups with experienced staff. Traffic accidents The office has received several reports of Primary School children playing with scooters in the road next to the park. We have also heard that pupils have been seen playing after dark in the local area. We are aware of at least two near misses, where our pupils have narrowly missed being hit by cars who failed to see them in the road. Please remind your children of their road safety rules and provide them with reflective clothing if they are out late. Thank you. Trespass Neighbours of our school are regularly informing us that pupils have been entering the school playground in the evening. They are causing a noise and litter nuisance and there has been some damage to school property. Please be aware that we have asked our school’s neighbours to phone the police and take photographs and descriptions of those involved in order to help us deal with this problem. The school grounds are council property but the school itself is charged with the upkeep. Therefore we have to pay for any damage done out of money intended for education.