Scottish Education Parental involvement
TYPES OF INVOLVEMENT (FROM SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT) At schoolExampleAt homeExample Formal and Active Parent Councils Parents evenings Formal and Active Reading Parent Council newsletters and keeping track of their activities and discussions Informal and Active Classroom assistant Helping out in playground, canteen Fundraising Sports coaching Helping at extra curricular activities Helping on school trips Informal and Active Helping with homework Encouraging children to learn Encouraging children to talk about their day Providing additional learning resources Less Active Watching children playing sport Sports day School concerts Less Active Listening to children talk about their day
HOW ARE YOU INVOLVED? At home? At school?
THE EVIDENCE Parents who take on a supportive role in their child’s learning make a difference in improving achievement and behaviour (Education Scotland) Of all the intervention types studied ‘parental involvement in their child’s learning’ was the only area with sufficient evidence to suggest a causal model for impact on pupil attainment (Gorard et al., 2012)
PARENTS’ EXPERIENCE Teachers and parents have to work alongside each other. Education doesn't stop when a child leaves the school building. I need to be aware of my children's needs so that I can boost their development (Mother, Greece) It (being involved in school) allows parents to learn about child's progress, be part of the school life and your child can see that you are interested and involved (Mother, Poland) My son loves it when he sees me at assemblies (Mother, Pakistan)
OTHER IDEAS Always go to parents’ evening Attend events at school Ask your child about their day Join a library If there are problems speak to the teacher
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT ACT “Parents have the opportunity to express their views and have these taken into account on matters affecting the education of their children, the school’s arrangements for promoting parental involvement and other matters or issues of interest to parents”
WHAT IS A PARENT COUNCIL? The committee appointed by the parents in the school to run matters on its behalf A Parent Council is not run by the school or the local authority but by the parents in the school The local authority should support a Parent Council both financially and through advice/support
WHAT CAN A PARENT COUNCIL DO? Help to improve links between all parents, school and local authority Report to parents on a regular basis Discuss issues of interest to parents including school policies Helps parent to be engaged with their child’s education Represent parents’ views to the local authority and others
WHAT CAN A PARENT COUNCIL DO? Make sure parents get information in an accessible way Become involved in the recruitment of new head teachers and senior staff Take an important role during and after a school inspection Organise social and fundraising activities