Lobbyist Restrictions No lobbyist may make a contribution at any time to a member of the General Assembly or Council of State or a candidate that filed a notice of candidacy for the General Assembly or Council of State.
PAC Contributions Members of the General Assembly or the Council of State are not allowed to accept Contributions from political committees that employ a registered lobbyist while the General Assembly is in session. A political committee that employs or contracts with a lobbyist, or whose parent entity employs or contracts with a NC registered lobbyist may not contribute to a member or candidate for the General Assembly or Council of State while the General Assembly is in ‘regular session’. A ‘regular session’ of the General Assembly is defined as the date set by law or resolution that the General Assembly convenes until the General Assembly adjourns sine die or recesses or adjourns for more than 10 days.
Lobbyist Restrictions Lobbyists cannot collect, take possession of, or transfer one or more contributions intended for candidates or candidate campaign committees for the General Assembly or Council of State.
Frequently Asked Questions Q) Are lobbyists allowed to make contributions to candidates? A) Lobbyists are prohibited from making contributions to candidates for General Assembly, Governor and other Council of State positions. A lobbyist is not prohibited from making a contribution to candidates for other offices. Contact the FEC for Federal restrictions.
Frequently Asked Questions Q) Are lobbyists allowed to make contributions to political actions committees? A) A lobbyist is not prohibited from making contributions to a political action committee (PAC) so long as the committee is not controlled by members of or candidates for the General Assembly or constitutional officer of the State.
Frequently Asked Questions Q) Are lobbyists allowed to make contributions to a political party committee? A) Lobbyists are not prohibited from making contributions to political party committees. ‘Giving in the name of another’ or earmarking funds for a specific candidate is not permissible.
Frequently Asked Questions Q) Are lobbyists allowed to attend a Fundraiser as a guest? A) A lobbyist is not prohibited from attending a fundraiser as a guest. Remember lobbyists are not allowed to make contributions to or deliver any contribution to committees for members of or candidates for the General Assembly or constitutional officer of the State.
Frequently Asked Questions Q) Are lobbyists allowed to serve as a Treasurer? A) Lobbyists are prohibited from serving as a Treasurer for a candidate for the General Assembly or constitutional officer of the State. A lobbyist would not be prohibited from serving as a treasurer or assistant treasurer for political committees that are not controlled by a member of the General Assembly or constitutional officer of the State. G.S. § C provides prohibitions for lobbyists that could affect their roles as treasurers or assistant treasurers.
Frequently Asked Questions Q) Are lobbyists allowed to serve on the board of a political action committee? A) Lobbyists are not prohibited from serving on the board of a political committee. G.S. § C provides prohibitions for lobbyists that could affect their roles as a board member for a political action committee.
Resources Campaign Finance Manual Campaign Finance Staff (919) State Board of Elections website Related opinion issued by SBE %20elections/chapter%2014%20- %20written%20opinions/written%20opinion%20- % pdf