The 1968 Election and the Silent Majority
1968: The Comeback of Richard Nixon
A brief review of his political career.... Congressional Race Win Alger Hiss Spy Case Political Win
“The Emerging Republican Majority” Nixon campaigned as the champion of the "silent majority,” the hardworking Americans who paid taxes, did not demonstrate, and desired a restoration of "law and order.“
“The Southern Strategy” Nixon courted whites upset by the drive for racial equality Opposed extending Voting Rights Act of 1965
The other candidates in After Johnson's withdrawal from the race, Vice President Hubert Humphrey announced his candidacy. He had a strong civil rights record and ties to organized labor, but his affiliation with Johnson and support for the Vietnam made him unappealing to anti-war voters.
George Wallace: American Independence Party Former Governor of Alabama For the first time since 1948, a serious third party candidate ran for president.
The end result (and the beginning of a new era) Nixon: Humphrey: Wallace:
The Outcome of the Election