Preparing your kid for college Dealing with ways to prepare our kids academically, emotionally, and spiritually for what they will face in the college world…
ACADEMIC PREPARATION Study Skills Independence Problem Solving Help Seeking Persistence Advisor
EMOTIONAL PREPARATION During the early adult years the parental task is NOT TO LET GO, but rather it is to TRANSFORM RELATIONSHIPS
1. When you baby drops a cookie on the floor you:
When your 12- year-old needs to create a science project and diorama for school, you:
3. You buy your teen a new cellphone. Your plan includes the option to sign up for GPS tracking that allows you to know your teen's location at any moment. You decide to:
4. You notice that your son’s dorm is, well, disgusting. You:
5. Your soon-to- be college graduate interviews for a prestigious internship but does not get the position. You:
6. How many of these professionals do you have on your “favorites” list– school guidance counselor, teacher, principle?
7. Your freshman college student is selecting courses for the coming semester and calls you. You:
“More than 85% of Christian high school seniors fall away or cease to grow in their faith within 12 months of graduation” - Josh McDowell Ministries
SPIRITUAL PREPARATION Talk about Spiritual Challenges of College Pray Continuously Personal Mission Statement Spiritual mentor/ Small group Campus spiritual communities Mission Trips/Service Learning
Don’t lose connection… hilarious-video-responding-to-college-son- not-calling/?v=1 hilarious-video-responding-to-college-son- not-calling/?v=1
Parental blunders vs. connected care…. Questions….