M OTIVATION Daniel Pink: CIPD’s motivation guru ‘Drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us’ (2009) – amongst other books. A good read but here’s a quick summary: magic/ Do you agree? When does this apply/not?
A SSIGNMENT 3 40% DUE 10 TH M ARCH 2000 WORDS, L OS : 1, 2, 5 &6 Having undertaken a range of self-assessment and reflection activities, you now need to analyse the job opportunities and constraints within your chosen career. As part of this process you will perform a transferable skills audit by looking at the skills required in your chosen field/job role and your transferable skills. You will produce an action plan to address the gap between these two elements. Your work will be presented in a report format. Start by reviewing what you’re chosen career/next job role was at the beginning of the year and consider if it has changed. If it has changed why is that? Whether it has changed or not do the psychometric test, skills audits and you’re reflections on exercises that you’ve done this year support your choice? If you are unsure of your chosen career path or are interested in several, chose the one that interests you most for the purposes of this assignment. Next examine the job opportunities that exist within your chosen field; this should be used to explore ALL possible routes you could take into it (e.g. graduate scheme, direct entry etc.). Analyse these options in light of any constraints that you identify? (e.g. geographical location, competition etc.) You then need to investigate the actual jobs available in the current market place. Find several job descriptions/person specifications for the role that you would like to do and analyse the skills that are required. Assess your skills against those required in a transferable skills audit. Create an action plan of the transferable skills and other considerations (e.g. training) that you have found that you need for your career move.
L EARNING OUTCOMES Assess your level of motivation and consider what you can do to increase it Complete and analyse the results of the Target Jobs Careers Report Review your e-portfolio entries Career coaching sign up
M OTIVATION AT WORK How motivated are you and what factors are part of this? m Is there anything you can do to increase your motivation at work? Look at the section on a motivating environment and look up the advice in one section Chose something from the section most pertinent to you and set a SMART goal with action plan of how you will achieve it
TARGET JOS CAREERS REPORT Your TARGETjobs Careers Report will help you to: 1. Generate a list of careers that match your skills, motivations, personality and preferences 2. Investigate jobs, employers and postgraduate courses within these career areas 3. Understand your capabilities and compare yourself against skills that employers want 4. Better understand yourself, especially your key motivators, career interests and work personality type 5. Practise a series of ability tests and receive feedback on your current skills and how to improve them 6. Create your own action plan o In essence act as a summary of what we have done so far this semester o
E- PORTFOLIO P REPARATION We have taken a number of tests this semester. Pick the ones that have been most relevant to you, create a way of presenting them, analyse their results and create a page in your e-portfolio to present them in
C AREERS COACHING CONVERSATION Thursday 25 th February: 2.00pm -3.20pm 2.20pm pm 2.40pm - 3pm - Thursday 3 rd March: 2.00pm -3.20pm 2.20pm pm 2.40pm - 3pm -
R EMINDERS Core recommended reading from this semester so far: Career Management and Work-Life Integration by Harrington and Hall chapter 2, 3 & 4 Career Management by Greenhaus et al chapter 3, 4 & 6 Next time we’re all together will be March 10th which is the hand in date for Assignment 3. On that day we will look at: Cognitive biases Tutorials tonight: Yasmin 4pm, Kat 4.30pm February 25 th : Anya 4pm, Katie H 4.30pm March 3 rd : Katie S 4pm, Chantelle 4.30pm