Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Mainstreaming Education for Children with Disabilities: Interventions of Centre for Disability in Development Mainstreaming Education for Children with Disabilities: Interventions of Centre for Disability in Development
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Facts about Bangladesh Facts about Bangladesh Size Size Population Population Population
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Introduction to CDD CDD was established in 1996 as non- government development organization CDD works for the equality of persons with disabilities through integrating disability issues into mainstream development activities, CDD works through partnership with development organizations
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Primary education in Bangladesh Bangladesh has one of the largest primary education systems in the world with an estimated 18 million primary school aged children (6 to10 years) and 320,000 teachers in more than 78,000 schools – UNICEF – 2003 Statistics Primary school enrolment (% net, boys/ girls) 82/ 86 Primary school children reaching grade 5 (%) 65 Teacher student ratio 1:46 (Govt 1:58) (BANBEIS), 2005
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Primary education in Bangladesh 11% of children with disabilities receive some form of education, and 8% are currently enrolled in an educational institution. Govt study % school going children enrolled in these government primary schools Government volume of allocation for education which stands 14% of the national budget. Of this 14% of national budget for education 43% are spent for primary and mass education (BANBEIS), 2005
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Education: Education is one of the core program of CDD Mission of CDD’s Education Program: To create an barrier free environment in mainstream education focusing children with disabilities.
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Piloting Mainstreaming Education: Working with 9 non-formal education centre in Jhinaidah during 1996 to 1998 (270 children along with 28 CWD) Working with 50 development organizations on a pilot basis during 1997 to 1999 (around 500 non-formal education centre were covered.) Working with one primary & secondary education of UCEP- Chittagong during 1999 to 2000
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Program development: Development of conceptual framework on mainstreaming education for learners with disabilities Development of training curriculum for teachers and education program managers Development of teaching aids and materials
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Program development Program development (continue) Development of sign supported bangla Development of computerized bangla Braille (CDD- BIJOY Bangla Braille) Creation of opportunities for supplies of assistive devices (optical & non- optical etc.) Development of guidelines for creating enabling environment for learners with disabilities (physical & non-physical)
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Programs and interventions so far made: Training: Around 1300 teachers, 150 supervisors and program managers and 60 government officers have received training. Program support: Around 40 partners have receiving support for creating barrier free environment in schools.
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Programs and interventions (continuation) Enrolment of disabled learner: 1. Through CDD’s direct support 000 learners with disabilities are included in the mainstreaming education 2. Through indirect support around 0000 learners with disabilities are included in the mainstreaming education C. Inclusion through support to BRAC education program ??? (ESP & BEP)
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Learning and experiences: Inclusion is possible other then few severe types of disability Social environment and positive attitudes is a pre-requisite for inclusion Training of teachers and managers is most essential step Dropout rate is around 35 to 40%, which is due to poverty and a lack of accessibility
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Learning and experiences: Continues follow up of individual learners is very important Switching over from non-formal to formal education were found difficult Appropriate assistive devises and educational materials is an essential requirement Appropriate assessment of impairment and disability is a factor for inclusion
Bringing hope, dignity and meaning to life Lets work together to build a barrier free and inclusive society for all Thank you!