Tanya Morret October 26, 2011
Background and History Intent of Chapter 16 Forms and Timelines Resources Question and Answer
Chapter 16 was passed in 2000 Revisions in 2004, 2008 Academic Model
General Intellectual Ability Specific Academic Ability Creative/ Productive Ability Psychosocial/ Leadership Ability Visual/ Performing Arts Ability
(d) Each school district shall establish procedures to determine whether a student is mentally gifted. This term includes a person who has an IQ of 130 or higher or when multiple criteria as set forth in this chapter and in Department Guidelines indicate gifted ability. Determination of gifted ability will not be based on IQ score alone. Deficits in memory or processing speed, as indicated by testing, cannot be the sole basis upon which a student is determined to be ineligible for gifted special education. A person with an IQ score lower than 130 may be admitted to gifted programs when other educational criteria in the profile of the person strongly indicate gifted ability. Determination of mentally gifted must include an assessment by a certified school psychologist. § General.
–Achievement test scores – year or more above grade level –High Acquisition and retention rates (1-3 presentations for retention and application) –Demonstrated achievement, performance or expertise in one or more academic areas –Higher level thinking skills, academic creativity, leadership skills, academic interest areas, communication skills, foreign language aptitude or technology expertise –Documented evidence of intervening factors
Background and History Intent of Chapter 16
Two Prong Identified Gifted and…in need of Services Pennsylvania does not have a statute of limitations on gifted Once identified, parents can ask for a GIEP review at any time – even if a student has not received services If more than one year, a Review of a students Records will occur through a re-evaluation process, but IQ testing will not be repeated
GIEP is an Individualized Plan Not a Program Goals ◦ Annual ◦ Measureable ◦ Aligned to the Standards ◦ Strength Based
“Discrepant Needs” ie. organization, study skills, social prompts Talent, leadership, creativity goals and objectives – unless mutually agreed upon by the district Content outside the scope of what is normally offered in the district curriculum – again, unless mutually agreed upon
Twice exceptional, One set of paperwork Special education teacher is the case manager All forms, timelines, and procedures are according to Chapter 14 regulations
Chapter 15 addresses needs based on a medical diagnosis: ADHD, Vision, Mental or Physical Illness, Physical Handicap Cannot be combined into one document Chapter 15 can be indicated by Support Services in the GIEP document
Background and History Intent of Chapter 16 Forms and Timelines
Done by the district Review of Multiple Measures Parent Permission not Required No Timelines on this part of the process
Permission to Evaluate – Required Signature, starts Evaluation or Re-Evaluation process “GWR”-Gifted Written Report – results of the evaluation process, if identified should guide initial GIEP Invitation to Participate in the GIEP – District’s documentation that parents have been included/invited to meet and craft GIEP
“GIEP” – Gifted Individualized Education Plan – Annual review of Present Levels, Goals, Objectives, Specially-Designed Instruction, and Support Services “NORA”-Notice of Recommended Assignment- ”contract” between you and the district for agreement and promise of fulfillment of the GIEP Procedural Safeguards – Outlines parents’ rights in this process and what to do if you do not agree with the recommendations made by the district
Background and History Intent of Chapter 16 Forms and Timelines Resources
Capital Area Intermediate Unit ◦ Tanya Morret, X8113, ◦ Dr. Shirley Curl – Director for Gifted Education ◦ , Pennsylvania Department of Education Website for Gifted PAGE – Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education Parent Guide
Background and History Intent of Chapter 16 Forms and Timelines Resources Question and Answer