Pull out your RUSSIA VOCAB
1. Aral Sea (pg 353) Definition: sea that borders Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan that is shrinking because govt. officials have taken so much water out of it to irrigate cotton fields in Central Asia. Other issues; pesticides and fertilizers have contaminated the water and surrounding land. Add the following words:
2. Balkanization: the process of fragmentation or division of a region or state into smaller states that are often hostile or uncooperative with one another. Examples: the “Stan” countries of Central Asia after the fall of the U.S.S.R. “stan”: Persian/Farsi word meaning country, land, and or place of. Kazakhstan: the homeland/place of the Kazakhs.
Row leaders turn in RUSSIA VOCAB
Pull out your RUSSIAN HISTORY notes
1917 Russian Revolution *don’t write down the words in black* Communism V.I. Lenin Soviet Union Market Economy Dictatorship Joseph Stalin Totalitarian Cold War Capitalism Karl Marx Mikhail Gorbachev Czar Nicholas II Bolsheviks Create a new section called:
RECAP of the story *don’t write this down* People HATE Rasputin and think Nicholas is a horrible king= OVERTHROWN o Family is taken hostage, tricked, shot to death, and buried in the woods Russian Revolution Party take over the country. (aka Communist Party) (aka Bolsheviks)
It’s a little confusing….. WRITE ALL OF THIS DOWN IN YOUR NOTES Soviet Union/ U.S.S.R: the name for the 15 countries on your map when they were all under communist rule
Communism: the govt. controls and manages the economy, usually under the leadership of one person/party. The main idea is that if the govt. controls property and all goods, people will have an equal share. *It’s about EQUALITY.* Command Economy: the name for an economy controlled by the government *the U.S.S.R. had a command economy*
Totalitarian: a govt. that has COMPLETE control over it’s people. Instead of just the economy, it controls attitudes, beliefs, t.v., radio, etc. Force and intimidation are used to control the people. Dictatorship : a govt. run by a single person or small group of people that have unlimited and absolute power. **Joseph Stalin was a communist, a totalitarian, and a dictator. **
LIST OF COMMUNIST RULERS Write these names and dates down in order 1.Vladimir Ilyich (V.I.) Lenin to Josef (Joseph) Stalin to Nikita Kruschev Leonid Brezhnev Yuri Andropov to Konstantin Chernenko to Mikhail Gorbachev to 1991