چکیده نویسی کارگاه روش تحقیق انجمن زبان شناسی ایران فرزانه فرح زاد آبان 91
چکیده چیست؟ 1. گزارش کوتاه یک تحقیق تمام شده 2. خلاصه کوتاه یک مقاله تمام شده
هدف چکیده 1. خواننده تحصیل کرده یا متخصص را با موضوع آشنا کند و او را به موضوع علاقه مند کند، 2. اطلاعات لازم را در مورد تحقیق تمام شده ای به خواننده عرضه کند، 3. به خواننده کمک کند در باره موضوعی که در حوزه علاقه یا پژوهش خودش است، اطلاعات کسب کند، بی آن که مجبور باشد کل تحقیق یا رساله یا مقاله ای را بخواند، 4. طبقه بندی و جستجوی مقاله یا رساله را با ارائه کلیدواژه ها میسر کند.
ویژگی های یک چکیده ی خوب یک چکیده ی خوب باید : دقیق باشد، یعنی فقط اطلاعاتی را که در مقاله / رساله آمده در بر بگیرد؛ به طور خلاصه موضوع اصلی را مطرح کند ؛ زبانی دقیق و فاقد ارزش گذاری داشته باشد؛ زبان آن رسمی باشد اما بیش از حد تخصصی نباشد ؛ واضح و قابل درک باشد ؛ کوته نوشت ها را توضیح دهد ؛ خودبسنده و مستقل باشد.
طول چکیده برای مقاله ی کوتاه : یک پاراگراف، کمتر از کلمه برای مقاله ی بلندتر یا فصلی از یک کتاب : یک پاراگراف ،کمتر از 250 کلمه برای متون مفصل تر مثل کتاب یا پایان نامه : دو پاراگراف، کمتر از 300 کلمه
ساختارچکیده 1. هدف : چرا این تحقیق را انجام داده اید؟ انگیزه یا سوال های تحقیق شما چه بوده هست؟ 2. روش : چه کرده اید و روش کار شما چه بوده است؟ داده های شما چه بوده ، چگونه آن ها را طبقه بندی و تحلیل کرده اید؟ 3. نتیجه : چه نتایجی به دست آوردید؟ مهم ترین آن ها چیست؟ 4. تفسیرنتیجه ها (conclusion ) : معنای نتایج به دست آمده چیست؟ یافته های تحقیق چه تلویحاتی دارند؟ اگر رساله / مقاله شما در باره مدل یا روش جدیدی است، دو سوال آخر به صورت زیر تغییر می کنند : 3. فواید مدل یا روش شما چیست؟ 4. کارآیی آن چگونه است؟
چگونه چکیده بنویسیم؟
نکات مهم در تنظیم چکیده در چکیده اطلاعات جدید یا مطالبی که در تحقیق وجود ندارد، نیاورید؛ در چکیده، قضاوت نکنید؛ به مخاطب توجه کنید؛ توالی مطالب را طبق تحقیق / رساله / مقاله حفظ کنید. کلیدواژه ها را بعد از چکیده بیاورید. تعداد کلیدواژه ها از پنج بیشتر نباشد.
چگونه بنویسیم؟ 1. مقاله، تحقیق یا پایان نامه را با هدف نوشتن چکیده، دوباره بخوانید؛ 2. پس از این خواندن مجدد، یک نسخه ی اولیه از چکیده را بنویسید، بدون اینکه دوباره به مقاله / تحقیق / پایان نامه رجوع کنید؛ 3. نسخه ی اولیه راتصحیح کنید، یعنی : ضعف های ساختاری را برطرف کنید؛ اطلاعات غیرضروری را حذف کنید؛ اطلاعات مهمی را که جاافتاده، اضافه کنید؛ اشکالات دستوری، املایی و سجاوندی را اصلاح کنید. 4. نسخه ی نهایی را بازخوانی کنید.
ویژگی های صوری چکیده از به کار بردن ضمیر اول شخص خودداری کنید. همیشه جملات کامل و کوتاه به کار ببرید. فونت معمولا باید 12 باشد و فاصله ی بین خطوط چکیده باید double باشد. از به کاربردن اسامی خاص، کوته نوشت ها و اسامی تجاری خودداری کنید. به زمان فعل ها دقت کنید. از اصطلاحات تخصصی استفاده کنید.
عبارات پر استفاده درچکیده ها آغاز چکیده با شرح هدف / انگیزه تحقیق This study (dissertation, research)... aims to illuminate... examines the role of... explores why... investigates the effects of... assesses the impact of [insert text] on... developed and tested the idea that...
investigated the role of... outlines how... introduces the concept of... extends prior work on... examines the relationship between [insert text] and... identifies... evaluates these [insert text] by...
آغاز چکیده با سوال تحقیق This study (dissertation, research)... is motivated by two research questions: (1) [Insert research question one]? (2) [Insert research question two]? To examine these questions, the study... “[Insert a research question]?” is a fundamental question in [the name of your area of interest]. We suggest [argue] that a new generation of research in this area needs to address the extended question: [Insert your research question]?
آغاز چکیده با تاریخچه یا سابقه Previous research (extent research, previous studies, or prior studies)… 1. indicates that offers a descriptive account of has shown that...
Literature on [insert area of the literature] has focused almost exclusively on... Synthesizing [e.g. name of theories], this research built and tested a theoretical model linking... This model addresses X (e.g. 2) major gaps in the literature. Drawing on [insert name] research, we argue that...
معرفی روش تحقیق A laboratory experiment was carried out. A field study was carried out to test our hypotheses. An inductive study was employed. Multiple methods were used to test... A 9-item scale was developed to measure... Using comparative case analysis, this research explored the role of...
شرح نتایج The findings from the research... illustrate how... show that the impact of [insert text] on [insert text] is more complex than previously thought/assumed. address a controversial belief among practitioners that... illustrate the antecedents and consequences of [insert text] and [insert text] in... suggest that the effect of [variable X] on [variable Y] was moderated over time when...
تفسیر نتایج (conclusion ) The results… provide support for the key arguments… support the prediction that... support the model… offer insights into... prompt a re-thinking of [insert your area of interest ] It is concluded that...
T HE V IEW FROM THE I SLAND : H OW A L J AZEERA E NGLISH C ONSTRUCTS AN I MAGINED A MERICA M ICHAEL S NYDER, S ARAH S OBIERAJ AND J EANNE D ILLON In Arabic, the word “Al Jazeera” means “the island” or “the peninsula.” It’s also the name of the first international news station based out of the Middle East, rivaling media giants like CNN International and BBC World. Despite its success and its launching of an English-language news station in 2006, Al Jazeera has come under fire by US political officials for its biased reporting and “America- hating” agenda. The present paper investigates these claims of anti- Americanism by applying a critical lens towards one Al Jazeera English news magazine program called “Inside USA,” launched in the run up to the 2008 US Presidential elections. Through an analysis of television media techniques, such as narration, interviews, cinematography, editing, music and sound, and graphics production, it is argued that “Inside USA” crafts a simplified narrative that pits the hardworking and virtuous American people against the greedy and power-hungry elite, who are abstracted in the form of the US government, the military, and big business. Considering the binary nature of this interpretation, it is argued that the label “anti- American” does not accurately reflect the journalistic agenda of “Inside USA” nor account for the alternative journalistic lens that truly distinguishes “the View from the Island.”
F OCUSING IN F ARSI [ WRITER O NE ] [ WRITER T WO ] [ Abstract: In Persian, focusing triggers scrambling in which the focused element moves to the specifier of focus projection either in spell-out or in logical form. The present study follows these goals: 1. To show that contrastive reading is not the only reading interpreted form the focused phrase whenever focusing happens in spell-out. 2. If focusing happens in LF, both the focus phrase and the focus feature alone are able to move -not just the feature as stated in the related literature. 3. The movement of more than one non-inherently focused element is also permissible in surface structure of sentences in Persian. Key words: Focus, Wh-phrase, Information focus, Contrastive focusing, Prosodic feature.
F OCUSING IN F ARSI [W RITER O NE ] [ WRITER T WO ] Abstract: In Persian, focusing triggers scrambling in which the focused element moves to the specifier of focus projection either in spell-out or in logical form. The results of a study which checked this hypothesis showed that first of all contrastive reading is not the only reading of the focused phrase when focusing happens in spell-out; secondly that contrary to what is reported in the related literature, when focusing happens in LF, both the focused phrase and the focus feature are able to move ; and thirdly, the movement of more than one non-inherently focused element is permissible in surface structure of sentences in Persian. Key words: Focus, Wh-phrase, Information focus, Contrastive focusing, Prosodic feature.
E LECTRONIC N AME A DDRESS AS I NDIVIDUAL I DENTITY [W RITER ] Abstract: The purpose of the present article is to examine the essence and implication of real name, the relationship between electronic name address and individual identity as well as the individual and social value of nomination phenomenon. To do so, an author’s-made questionnaire was made which consisted of 10 questions containing 4 options which the respondents could respond to. Results were obtained from 222 respondents according to which 13 themes of virtual nomination were extracted from and were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Presumably, a person by choosing unconsciously every theme of nomination refers to his/her standpoint of his/her Self and signifies partially his individual identity. The result of the study showed that in the virtual world, given that an individual has the option of choosing a name; it is possible to delineate an individual’s psychological profile. Furthermore, our results showed that the discourse system of the real name is a referential one where the virtual name has a signifying system through which one can draw the facets of the individual’s mind. Thus, the individuals’ personality, to some extent, can influence his/her choosing the virtual name. So, there are some differences in the utility of real and virtual names in the real worlds, in that, virtual names entail individual and social identity of the internet users. Key words: Electronic name address, Virtual name, Real name, Individual identity, Referential system, Signifying system, Nomination.
E LECTRONIC N AME A DDRESS AS I NDIVIDUAL I DENTITY [W RITER O NE ] Abstract The present article reports a study which examined the essence and implication of real name, the relationship between electronic name address and individual identity, and the individual and social value of nomination phenomenon. To do so, a questionnaire was developed, consisting of 10 questions, each followed by 4 choices. According to the results obtained from 222 respondents, 13 themes of virtual nomination were identified and analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Presumably, the choice of a theme of nomination signifies the user’s unconscious view of his/her Self and to some extent of his/her individual identity. The results of the study showed that in the virtual world, where users have a choice over names, it is possible to delineate an individual user’s psychological profile. Furthermore, the results showed that the choice of name is influenced by discourse systems and can provide clues to the facets of the individual user’s mind. Thus, the user’s personality influences his/her choice of virtual name and virtual names entail individual and social identity of the internet user. Key words: Electronic name address, Virtual name, Real name, Individual identity, Referential system, Signifying system, Nomination