THE CHAGA CUP Kite Runner Edition
Rules No name calling No whining No use of any notes Remember to keep your voices low when discussing answers amongst your teammates… Sheets that are not turned in to Ms. Chaga by “Time’s Up!” do NOT count.
1. Which Muslim sect (group) do the majority of Hazaras belong to?
2. What is the name of the largest and traditionally most powerful ethnic group in Afghanistan?
3. Which Taliban rule did the people who were stoned in Ghazi Stadium disobey?
4. Baba and Amir left Afghanistan in March of Which country’s invasion was the reason for this departure?
5. What is Amir’s family’s connection to King Nadir Shah?
6. What happened in Mazar-i-Sharif in 1998?
7. What is Shari’a?
8. Which historic event is the author referring to when he says, “Suddenly, people were standing in grocery store lines and talking about the cities of my childhood”?
9. In what year does Kite Runner end?
10. Who was the historic figure that Assef looked up to as a role model?
You have 2 minutes to hand in your answers. You have 1 minute to hand in your answers. *****Time's UP!!!!*****
1.Which Muslim sect (group) do the majority of Hazaras belong to?
Shi’a/ Shiite
2. What is the name of the largest and traditionally most powerful ethnic group in Afghanistan?
3. Which Taliban rule did the people who were stoned in Ghazi Stadium disobey?
4. Baba and Amir left Afghanistan in March of Which country’s invasion was the reason for this departure?
5. What is Amir’s family’s connection to King Nadir Shah?
Hunting photograph
6. What happened in Mazar-i-Sharif in 1998?
Hazara massacre
7. What is Shari’a?
Islamic Law
8. Which historic event is the author referring to when he says, “Suddenly, people were standing in grocery store lines and talking about the cities of my childhood”?
September 11 th, 2001
9. In what year does Kite Runner end?
10. Who was the historic figure that Assef looked up to as a role model?
Adolf Hitler
QUOTATIONS “ Who Said That?”
1.”I’m sorry, agha sahib, but our bags are already packed. We have made our decision” (106).
2. “You don’t know the meaning of the word ‘liberating’ until you’ve done that, stood in a roomful of targets, let the bullets fly, free of guilt and remorse...”(277).
3. “Don’t ever stare at them! Do you understand me? Never!”(248)
4. “While you’re busy knitting sweaters, my dear, I have to deal with the community’s perception of our family. People will ask” (360).
5. “The streets are full enough of hungry orphans and every day I thank Allah that I am alive, not because I fear death, but because my wife has a husband and my son is not an orphan” (216).
6. Because I’m so profoundly happy, Dr. Rasul. Happiness like this is frightening…They only let you be this happy if they’re preparing to take something from you” (250).
7. “You know, I’ve done a lot of things I regret in my life…but that will never happen again, and I am so profoundly sorry. I ask for your bakhshesh, your forgiveness. Can you do that? Can you forgive me?” (355)
8. “Besides, there’s another reason I asked you to come here. I wanted to see you before I go, yes, but something else too” (202).
9. “He’s staying right here with us, where he belongs. This is his home and we are his family. Don’t you ever ask me that question again!” (90)
10. “I want to play with Rahim Khan sahib in the garden. I want to live in our house again…I want my old life back” (354).
You have 2 minutes to hand in your answers. You have 1 minute to hand in your answers. *****Time's UP!!!!*****
1.”I’m sorry, agha sahib, but our bags are already packed. We have made our decision” (106).
2. “You don’t know the meaning of the word ‘liberating’ until you’ve done that, stood in a roomful of targets, let the bullets fly, free of guilt and remorse...”(277).
3. “Don’t ever stare at them! Do you understand me? Never!”(248)
4. “While you’re busy knitting sweaters, my dear, I have to deal with the community’s perception of our family. People will ask” (360).
General Taheri
5. “The streets are full enough of hungry orphans and every day I thank Allah that I am alive, not because I fear death, but because my wife has a husband and my son is not an orphan” (216).
6. Because I’m so profoundly happy, Dr. Rasul. Happiness like this is frightening…They only let you be this happy if they’re preparing to take something from you” (250).
Sofia (Amir’s mother)
7. “You know, I’ve done a lot of things I regret in my life…but that will never happen again, and I am so profoundly sorry. I ask for your bakhshesh, your forgiveness. Can you do that? Can you forgive me?” (355)
8. “Besides, there’s another reason I asked you to come here. I wanted to see you before I go, yes, but something else too” (202).
Rahim Khan
9. “He’s staying right here with us, where he belongs. This is his home and we are his family. Don’t you ever ask me that question again!” (90)
10. “I want to play with Rahim Khan sahib in the garden. I want to live in our house again…I want my old life back” (354).
1. What was the saying that Amir carved in the pomegranate tree?
2. Why didn’t Baba want to be treated by the first oncology doctor?
3. Who yelled at Amir and Hassan when they reflected mirrors into the neighbor’s houses?
4. Amir’s mother, Sofia, taught Farsi Literature with a character who Amir meets later in life. Who was it?
5. What is the name of the story that Hassan’s son was named after?
6. Why did Rahim Khan invite Hassan and his wife to live in Baba’s house?
7. Who accused Amir of coming back to Afghanistan for the sole purpose of selling land and making money?
8. What important paperwork could Amir NOT provide to the American Embassy that subsequently stopped the adoption process?
9. While Soraya was taking care of Baba, what was she secretly reading to him?
10. What is Wazir-Akbar Khan?
You have 2 minutes to hand in your answers. You have 1 minute to hand in your answers. *****Time's UP!!!!*****
1. What was the saying that Amir carved in the pomegranate tree?
“Amir and Hassan, the sultans of Kabul.”
2. Why didn’t Baba want to be treated by the first oncology doctor?
Dr. Schneider was of Russian origin.
3. Who yelled at Amir and Hassan when they reflected mirrors into the neighbor’s houses?
4. Amir’s mother, Sofia, taught Farsi Literature with a character who Amir meets later in life. Who was it?
Dr. Fasul; the beggar on the street in Kabul
5. What is the name of the story that Hassan’s son was named after?
Rostam and Sohrab
6. What is the main reason that Rahim Khan invited Hassan and his wife to live in Baba’s house?
He was lonely.
7. Who accused Amir of coming back to Afghanistan for the sole purpose of selling land and making money?
8. What important paperwork could Amir NOT provide to the American Embassy that subsequently stopped the adoption process?
Death Certificates
9. While Soraya was taking care of Baba, what was she secretly reading to him?
Amir’s journal of writings.
10. What is Wazir-Akbar Khan?
Amir’s neighborhood in Kabul.
THEMES For the following slides, write the theme (from our notes on themes in the novel) that BEST fits the situation or quotation.
1. During his fight with Assef, Amir splits his lip right down the middle. After surgery in the hospital he finds out that he will have a permanent scar.
2. Hassan writes a letter to Amir telling him that if Amir were ever to return to Kabul he would find him as an “old faithful friend” waiting for him.
3. Farid tells Amir that he cannot understand why he would, “come all the way from America for…a Shi’a.”
4. After the man and woman are stoned in the stadium, their corpses are, “unceremoniously tossed into the back of red pickup trucks…”
5. Rahim Khan calls Amir from Pakistan and tells him that there is, “a way to be good again.”
6. Sohrab shoots Assef’s eye out with his slingshot making him “one-eyed Assef.”
7. Amir wanted the kite from the tournament so badly because he wanted to prove to Baba that he was someone he could be proud of.
8. Hassan tells Baba that he did steal the watch that Amir accused him of stealing.
9. Even after he was sexually abused, Sohrab eventually laughs again and lets Amir hug him.
10. Baba withheld the truth about Amir and Hassan’s blood connection for his entire life.
1. During his fight with Assef, Amir splits his lip right down the middle. After surgery in the hospital he finds out that he will have a permanent scar.
2. Hassan writes a letter to Amir telling him that if Amir were ever to return to Kabul he would find him as an “old faithful friend” waiting for him.
Loyalty and Devotion
3. Farid tells Amir that he cannot understand why he would, “come all the way from America for…a Shi’a.”
Discrimination, Bigotry, Class Structure
4. After the man and woman are stoned in the stadium, their corpses are, “unceremoniously tossed into the back of red pickup trucks…”
Man’s Inhumanity to Man
5. Rahim Khan calls Amir from Pakistan and tells him that there is, “a way to be good again.”
Guilt and Redemption
6. Sohrab shoots Assef’s eye out with his slingshot making him “one-eyed Assef.”
7. Amir wanted the kite from the tournament so badly because he wanted to prove to Baba that he was someone he could be proud of.
Father/Son Relationships
8. Hassan tells Baba that he did steal the watch that Amir accused him of stealing.
Loyalty and Devotion
9. Even after he was sexually abused, Sohrab eventually laughs again and lets Amir hug him.
Resilience of the Human Spirit in Times of Struggle
10. Baba withheld the truth about Amir and Hassan’s blood connection for his entire life.
Thank you for playing! Scores are now being calculated.