配色参考方案: 建议同一页面内 不超过四种颜色, 以下是 13 组配色 方案,同一页面 内只选择一组使 用。(仅供参考) 客户或者合作 伙伴的标志放 在右上角. 英文标题 :32-35pt 颜色 : R153 G0 B0 内部使用字体 : FrutigerNext LT Medium 外部使用字体 : Arial 中文标题 :30-32pt 颜色 : R153 G0 B0 字体 : 黑体 英文正文 :20-22pt 子目录 (2-5 级 ) :18pt 颜色 : 黑色 内部使用字体 : FrutigerNext LT Regular 外部使用字体 : Arial 中文正文 :18-20pt 子目录 (2-5 级 ):18pt 颜色 : 黑色 字体 : 细黑体 Huawei Smart Campus Solution Author/ ID: Kangzhuo/ Dept: Marketing and Solution
For the Future, Converged Network Support the Smart Campus Internet CSS cluster Access Aggregation Core Service system Library Digital Library Remote Teaching e-Training e-Book Campus Classroom Office Multimedia Remote & Branch Headquarters ② % reliability with 10ms fault recovery ③ No.1 Wireless Coverage and Throughput 20% ① Unified Management, Smart Operation of all Network Devices
1 、 Unified Authentication for Wire and Wireless 2 、 Unified Authentication for Access and Export 3 、 Unified Authentication for IPv4 and IPv6 40GE Core Layer GE Access Layer PPPoE+QinQ MAC Authentication 10GE Aggregation Layer Dormitory AreaTeaching AreaOffice AreaFamily Area CSS Firewall Edge Router BRAS Internet CERNET PPPoE+QinQIPoE+QinQ 1 、 Flexible management according to location, time, volume, destination 2 、 Package model for group, and department CSS Customer Value Unified Authentication High Reliability with Hot Standby Reuse the existing network Fully supports IPv6 Rich and Visual reports Integrated and Reliable Campus Network with Fine Management
Fine-grained Management of Gigabit Campus Network Unified authentication, support more than 50,000 user access Multiple authentication access methods, Meet the multi-type terminals core network upgrade, make full use of existing network equipment Faculties uplink upgrade to Gigabit, Support 40GE and 100GE Hubei University of Technology Library Teaching Area Dormitory Family Area Data Center
Customer Value All optical network coverage, integrated multiservice access; Wide Coverage with multi- level splitter to save cost; Smooth evolution with xPON platform; Fast deployment, easy O&M Open Area ( FTTB ) Simple Installation over Pole or Wall High Reliability by OLT 、 ODN 、 ONU CCTV OLT Dormitory Area ( FTTH ) Management of dialing, bandwidth, rights over ONT ports. Teaching and Office Area ( FTTO ) Better Voice Bearing; Plug and play, carrier-class security; PON Market share: No. 1 for 8 years PON 、 10G PON 、 40G PON smooth evolution; Intelligent O&M over optical network PON Access Network Solution in Campus
In order to protect the safety of people’s property, and to build a safe environment, Hefei city plans to make the public security monitoring system as a strategy to improve public security, and to build a harmonious society Overall surveillance solution: Huawei server, USG5350 Firewall, monitoring platform software, V1300N storage Covering 58 Police Stations, 7 Branch Office, about 1000 monitoring points Low network complexity, and low multiple points network failure Intelligent analysis enables active warning before emergency. Safe Campus in Hefei City Requirements Solution Customer Value Police Station Network Camera
Customer Value Smooth migration to protect the existing network Easy O&M with Visual Tools High access capability and high reliability Seamless roaming with 50ms Indoor AP7110 AP6010 Outdoor/Network Bridge Indoor Throughput of AP6010 、 AP7110 is 20%~47% more than industry level; Source: Tolly, Network Planning AC Intelligent Wireless Campus
High internet concurrency Concentrated coverage, serious interference Complex wireless environment, harsh installation, hard deployment Unified Service bearing Challenges Kick off in May in 2011, and open 400 accounts for students. Binding network C and Wlan, to improve the user experience of network C One AP available in two network meets the requirement of logging on campus network and MAN network at the simultaneously. Providing PON + WLAN access solutions, as well as the AP, ONU, the OLT, the AC, BRAS end-to-end solutions; 7 schools, total 4000 AP equipment deployment; Considering the user density, adopt 1 mounting AP without antenna system / per dormitory to meet deep coverage and volume requirements; Pre-service training and customized solutions to ensure the successful delivery; Onsite communication to speed up the delivery Customer Value Huawei WLAN Solution Campus WLAN coverage Wireless coverage in Tianjin University City
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