Basic elements
Human beings communicate through more than just words, gestures and music. How do humans communicate visually? Why do humans communicate visually?
Visual language is a form of communication that uses images to relay messages. Many different aspects of reality can be represented through images.
PROCESS OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION Messages are transmitted through images.
The basic elements of a visual message are: a) a transmitter b) a recipient c) a message d) a means Without all four parts it wouldn’t be possible to establish communication.
A transmitter is a person, or a group of people, who wants to establish communication. For example, when a friend writes you a letter, he or she is the single transmitter. When you read a newspaper/magazine or watch TV, the transmitter is a company or an organization.
A message is the information the transmitter wants to communicate. The message can be simple or complex and can consist of a variety of visual stimuli, such as signs, colours, forms, etc.
In a visual message, two aspects are especially important: the aim of the message and its visual structure. The aim is the objective whichthe transmitter wants to achieve through his/her image. The structure is the visual content, the subject matter and the artistic style. The structure depends on the aim.
A recipient can be any person or organization to whom the messages are addressed. A recipient is fundamentalin the process of communication. Everything that the transmitter needs to do to transmit a message (its aim, structure and characteristics) depends on the recipient.
For example, when creating an advertisement for children, a transmitter needs to confirm the adequacy of the product for the intended recipient’s age and to know that the advertisement will be better accepted if, for instance, it has warm and vivid colors.
A means is the medium or channel of communication through which the messages are transmitted.
Can you say different types of means of communication ? Now can you say different types of visual communication?
Means ArtsTelevisionThe pressAdvertsing Graphic design Internet
ARTS Through visual arts, artists represent and express sensations, concepts, feelings and situations using material or virtual elements that can be perceived by the senses (especially sight). Art has always had a public and an educational function. The main factors in the development of an artistic work are matter, space, and time. Specialties within the visual arts are painting, sculpture, and printmaking.
Can you write down types of art that you remember? (L1-L2)
It’s one of the most influential means because of its ease of access and its ability to capture almost all of the senses of the viewer. Television can be persuasive, and it performs three functions: inform, educate, and entertain. It uses the elements of cinematic language and image sequences (live or pre- recorded) combined with words. In the language of television, music, sound effects, sounds and silences all help to transmit the message.
Think of all the types of television programs that you know. (L1 and L2)
In the press, textual and visual language have a similar importance. The extent to which either type of language is present varies depending on the issues being reported and the characteristics of each magazine or newspaper. Its main function is to inform about what is currently happening around us.
Visual language from the press is primarily composed of: Comics Drawings Maps Information graphics (computer graphics) Pictures
The illustrations in newspapers and magazines are present to help the reader interpret and understand the messages and information. Cartoons or caricatures: it is not the quality of the drawing that is important, but instead its ability to communicate. Information graphics: an informative resource in which images are more prominent than text. The tools are computer programs.
Think of media where you find advertising.
Advertising attempts to draw attention to a certain product and persuade the public of how good the product is in order to sell it. Advertising highlights the advantages of goods and services, as well as the benefits the consumer will enjoy after the purchase. With the goal of persuading, advertising uses very attractive images. These images are planned to the last detail.
They are organized during certain times of the year to promote the sale of certain commodities. Say some examples. There are also social campaigns. They are promoted by institutions. They seek to change the attitudes or behaviours of people searching to improve their well-being.
Think of different types of social campaigns. (L1 and L2)
Is one of the new information technologies. Is one of the tools most utilized by youth. Internet is a global network that allows users to communicate freely and rapidly. The most important aspects of internet are speed, information and interactivity.
For what do we use internet?
In groups of 2 or 3, discuss different uses for internet. One person in the group needs to write a list of all of the uses. Which group has the most? Write down any of the uses on the following slides that you do not have on your list.
INFORMATION News Current events Sending and recieving of messages File sharing ADVERTISING Companies display their products in many ways BUYING AND SELLING Nowadays, you can buy almost anything on the internet Hotel reservations Plane tickets Tickets for shows
OTHER SERVICES Watching movies Sharing music ONLINE GAMING Videogames Gambling ONLINE CHATTING Skype Learning other languages SOCIAL NETWORKS Facebook Twiter Flickr Etc…
Its main purpose is to transmit specific messages through graphic compositions with various media such as posters or brochures. Currently, the computer is a powerful tool for graphic design.