Cynthia Turi Introducing Me
Who am I? My name is Cynthia Turi, but I prefer to be called Cindy I live in Connecticut I have been married to my amazing husband, Jack, for one year We just welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Abigail, into our lives My pastimes include bowling, reading and traveling
I am currently the Educational Coordinator for the Infant and Toddler programs at an Early Childhood Education Center I am responsible for ensuring that the programs have developmentally appropriate curriculums that meet the standards of the Company as well as the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) The Professional Me
I graduated from the public school system My Elementary School was K-6, Middle School 7-8, and High School 9-12 A key experience for me during this time was my 6 th grade teacher. She inspired me to be in the education field. Although she was seen as “hard” and “mean” by most students, I loved how she made learning fun. She held high expectations, but it drove me to be the best I possibly could be. She even made me enjoy math, my least favorite subject!! My Schooling
My long term career goal is to become a director of an Early Childhood Education center. I want to ensure that all children receive a solid foundation for learning so that they have success in school and life. I love how there is no end to this field. You are always learning something new. Whether it’s theories or methods, you are learning and growing just as much as the children that you’re teaching. Looking Forward
Having my Master’s Degree in Education will help me to be a better leader to the teachers on my team I will have the skills necessary to manage staff as well as develop a cooperative relationship with the families that I serve It will also allow for both personal and professional growth Why a Master’s Degree?
Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow -Anthony J. D’Angelo Food for thought…