ICFA J. Mnich (DESY) November 5, 2015
J. Mnich | ICFA LCWS Panel Discussion 5 November 2015 | page 2 ICFA Web Page and Mandate ICFA: International Committee for Future Accelerators Web site: Mandate: promote international collaboration on very high energy accelerators organize regularly world-inclusive meetings for the exchange of information on future plans organize workshops for the study of problems related to super high- energy accelerators Membership: directors of major labs, plus representatives of the community
J. Mnich | ICFA LCWS Panel Discussion 5 November 2015 | page 3 ICFA and the ILC Birth of ILC, GDE, LCC, … 2003
J. Mnich | ICFA LCWS Panel Discussion 5 November 2015 | page 4 Global Strategy Regional strategies in Particle Physics Japan Europe: update approved by CERN Council US: P5 Japan, February 2012 if there is a Higgs ILC If theta_13 is large large neutrino experiment Europe, May 2013 LHC incl. HL-LHC Accelerator R&D (CLIC, hield magnets) ILC in Japan participation in long-baseline neutrino experiment(s) US P5 Strategy: Science Drivers Higgs boson Neutrino mass Dark matter Cosmic acceleration Explore the unknown Facilities: LHC, LBNF, ILC, … Different flavors in different regions, but large overlap! Emerging global strategy
J. Mnich | ICFA LCWS Panel Discussion 5 November 2015 | page 5 Global Planning for Particle Physics ICFA Statement on its Support of the ILC, its Endorsement of the Strategic Plans of Europe, Asia and the United States, and its Encouragement of International Studies of Future Circular Colliders ICFA endorses the particle physics strategic plans produced in Europe, Asia and the United States and the globally aligned priorities contained therein. Here, ICFA reaffirms its support of the ILC, which is in a mature state of technical development and offers unprecedented opportunities for precision studies of the newly discovered Higgs boson. In addition, ICFA continues to encourage international studies of circular colliders, with an ultimate goal of proton-proton collisions at energies much higher than those of the LHC. >Valencia July 2014:
J. Mnich | ICFA LCWS Panel Discussion 5 November 2015 | page 6 How to come to Decisions? >Decisions on multi-G$ projects are subject to complex, political processes >Not (entirely) in the hands of scientists >Looking to the past: intiative taken by a country or region others followed >Examples: LHC: Europe through CERN Council contributions to machine and detectors from all over the world HERA: Germany contributions from many countires, also to the accelerator >Future: might work in a similar way
J. Mnich | ICFA LCWS Panel Discussion 5 November 2015 | page 7 ICFA Membership CERN Member States H. Abramowicz R. Heuer J. Mnich (Chair) USA N. Lockyer D. MacFarlane I. Shipsey Japan T. Mori M. Yamauchi Russia A. Bondar S. Ivanov Canada M. Roney China Y. Wang Other Countries M. Cho L. de Paula V. Matveev C11 J. Fuster Secretary: R. Rubinstein November 2015: (no changes since June)