Principles 7 Main obstacles articulated in implementing the leading ESF Principles Uncertainty on advantages Assumed higher administrative costs Insufficient experience on how to integrate them Risk of inadequate management resources
Principles 8 Main provisions mentioned to implement effectively the leading ESF Principles cross-cutting: funding possibility in all priorities integration at programme and project level Simple administrative procedures Concentration of resources on highest levels of need – particularly where ESF budgets are reducing dedicated support through Technical Assistance
Principles 9 Innovation and Mainstreaming in ESF programmes Issues: Reluctance to take risks At what level should innovation be integrated Innovation requires more resources to implement effectively How to identify the themes for innovation at programme level Involving policy makers early and at all stages in the process
Principles 10 Innovation and Mainstreaming in ESF programmes What support can the Commission provide: Practical advice on how to integrate into programmes and implement Make evaluation and research information available Co-ordinate exchanges of views and good practice through events and seminars Create networks on specific innovation themes Provide regular reports on the results of innovative activity
Principles 11 Transnational Cooperation in ESF programmes the potential benefits of maintaining transnational co-operation within the future ESF: reinforcing and sharing innovation, co-operation, exchange of experiences and mutual support; the potential advantages of the four main forms of transnational co-operation: transnationality between projects, bilateral partnerships between national authorities, regional networks, thematic networks;
Principles 12 Transnational Cooperation in ESF programmes the three main possible models of transnational co-operation: a dedicated transnational priority or transnationality as an opportunity cross-cutting all priorities combination of the above resources and assistance required to ensure success of transnational co-operation - this means that the Commission and the Member States will need to commit resources in order to ensure the success of transnationality in future programmes.
Principles 13 Gender Equality in ESF programmes Resources and Coordination Needs Increase understanding and know-how of gender equality and GM through examples of good practice from “real projects” Transnational exchange and learning events for those working at programme level Support to translate the abstract concept of GN into reality: need of good practices, guides, awareness raising events/campaigns More thorough discussion of dual vs. horizontal approach to GE Enhance the debate on GM as a tool to enable win-win-situations (in terms of economic development, job creation, innovation potential, productivity…) Provide clear objectives and guidelines Create indicators Provide practical examples for GE/GM as horizontal theme
Principles 14 Gender Equality in ESF programmes Main difficulties and obstacles Lack of political will Lack of knowledge: confusion between the objective (gender equality) and the tool to achieve it (GM) Lack of expertise to apply the tool of GM which is perceived as too complicated Overall persistence of gender stereotypes Solutions raising awareness of, and getting commitment from, top decision-makers Providing training to those in charge of drawing up OPs Ensuring access to the gender experts and/or involving them in the process of writing and implementing the Ops Gender equality as a “standing topic” in all Monitoring Committee meetings
Principles 15 Difficulties in the implementation of a partnership Lack of time, capacity and resource to set up and manage a partnership Lack of clarity and common understanding amongst the partners Failure to clearly identify and define roles and responsibilities Absence of strong day-to-day co-ordination and management Challenge of ensuring an equal voice and sense of ownership for all of the partners
Principles 16 Solutions to aid the implementation of a partnership - at programme level good planning (define objectives, set the requirements, create a flexible structure, provide for empowerment and gender mainstreaming) implement partnership at different levels –national, regional, local involve all possible stakeholders provide for coordination –horizontal and vertical - at project level training, support and capacity-building (financed by projects directly or through technical assistance) written contracts and agreements between the partners involve all partners early on in the partnership process more strategic action – looking beyond the lifetime of the project keep partnerships alive and not only "on paper"
Principles 17 Assistance requested from the Commission Networks and fora for learning, and the dissemination and exchange of good practice Provision of training and capacity-building initiatives Simpler and more flexible regulatory, administrative and legislative frameworks Strategic and pro-active measures to support Member States