ADOLPH OCHS Former owner of the New York Times and The Chattanooga Times founder of “Southern Association Press. His Slogan was “ all the news that’s fit to print”
MARY BAKER EDDY founder of Christian Science Monitor. Author of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” The Christian Science Monitor is an independent and international news organization that delivers thoughtful, global coverage
POLITICAL CARTOONS An editorial cartoon, also known as a political cartoon, is an illustration containing a commentary that usually relates to current events or personalities.
SCRIPPS-HOWARD The Scripps Howard Foundation is the corporate foundation of The E. W. Scripps Company. Their mission is to advance the cause of a free press through support of excellence in journalism, quality journalism education and professional development.
MAGAZINES a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject or area of interest.
UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL United Press International (UPI) is a once-major international news agency, whose newswires, photo, news film and audio services provided news material to thousands of newspapers, magazines and radio and t elevision stations for most of the twentieth century
MUCKRAKERS Muckraker refers to reform-minded journalists who wrote largely for popular magazines, continued a tradition of investigative journalism reporting, and emerged in the United States after 1900 Ida Minerva Tarbell (November 5, 1857 – January 6, 1944) was an American teacher, author and journalists. She was one of the leading "muckrakers" of the progressive era. Lincoln Steffens- New York reporter who launched a series of articles in McClure's that would later be published together in a book titled The Shame of the Cities. He is remembered for investigating corruption in municipal government in American cities and for his early support for the Soviet Union.
RADIO The radio was meant to be invented for communication there would be signals going under to get out the information. In the modern day the signals are now transmitted by electromagnetic waves. The first broadcast was Audio Broadcasting, the most common type of receiver was The Crystal Set The FCC regulates radio broadcasts, amateur radio operators, repeater station, and commercial broadcasting.